Internal Faculty Leave Support

The Faculty Development Committee administers four award programs that are intended to supplement sabbatic leave salary or to supplement grants received from an external agency to make possible a full-year leave of absence. Grants can also be made to support a semester of leave that is not in combination with a sabbatical.



All tenured faculty members are eligible for leave support (salary supplement) and research support (travel, publication costs, materials, etc.). Please note that, barring exceptional circumstances, no more than one leave award will be awarded for a single project.


Deadlines for Submission

November 11, 2024
Tenured Faculty Leave Supplement Applications

April 8, 2025
Pre-Tenure Faculty Research Support Applications (for additional funding for leave)


All tenure-track faculty going up for reappointment and eligible for a pre-tenure leave the following year will receive 100% salary support for the full year of their sabbatic leave, pending successful reappointment and approval of their sabbatic request by the Dean for Academic Affairs. Once reappointed, tenure-track faculty may request additional research funding through the Faculty Development Committee during the April proposal submittal process. Please see FDC faculty research awards for further information.