Bowdoin College Research Fellowship
Fellow: Jialing Tian '21
Research Project: Modeling and Analysis of Honeybees' Nest-Site Selection
Faculty Mentor: Jack O'Brien
Christenfeld Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Benjamin Simonds '21
Research Project: Frustration as a Moderator of Scapegoating Behavior using Rothschild et al.’s Dual-Motive Model
Faculty Mentor: Zachary Rothschild
Fellow: Michael Tirone '21
Research Project: Predicting Andeans Mountain Paths Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Faculty Mentor: Lauren Kohut
James Stacy Coles Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Anaise Manikunda '21
Research Project: Teaching Privacy and Security Concepts
Faculty Mentor: Stacy Doore
Fellow: Camilo Pareja '22
Research Project: Computational-aided Poster Design Assessment to Facilitate Science Communication
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Harmon
Martha Reed Coles Summer Fellowship
Fellow: Aida Muratoglu '21
Research Project: A Site of Inquiry: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Gardening Philosophy
Faculty Mentor: Tess Chakkalakal
Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Coastal Studies Research Fellowship
Fellow: Audrey Jordan '21
Research Project: Determining the sites at which neuromodulators exert peripheral effects in the American Lobster (Homarus Americanus)
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Anthony Yanez '22
Research Project: Effects and interactions of two endogenous amines on the cardiac system of the American Lobster
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Benjamin Wong '20
Research Project: Responses of central pattern generators in the American lobster STNS to a family of neuropeptides
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Grace Bukowski-Thall '20
Research Project: The role of behavioral diversity in determining the extent to which neuronal patterns are modulated
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Madison Thies '21
Research Project: Cellular mechanisms and regulation of stretch feedback in the heart of Homarus americanus
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Marie Bergsund '20
Research Project: The role of feedback in determining the stability of the lobster heart in response to temperature perturbations
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Ricky Tsang '21
Research Project: Does the need for flexibility in movements drive neuromodulatory capacity?
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Warsameh Bulhan '22
Research Project: Role of Specific Amino Acids in the Function of Allatostatin Peptides in the American Lobster
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Robert and Blythe Edwards Fund for the Arts
Fellow: Caroline Dranow '20
Research Project: To Construct a Memory
Faculty Mentor: James Mullen
Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Coastal/Environmental Studies
Fellow: Dalia Tabachnik '21
Research Project: Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) as an Indicator of Photosynthesis
Faculty Mentor: Barry Logan
Fellow: Elizabeth Baker '22
Research Project: Road salt effects on local Daphnia populations
Faculty Mentor: Mary Rogalski
Fellow: Utku Ferah '21
Research Project: Local Adaptation Project
Faculty Mentor: Mary Rogalski
Goldsmith Adams Research Award
Fellow: Peter Jacobson '20
Research Project: A Summer in Nepal: Studying and Teaching Language at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute and Bamboo School
Peter J. Grua and Mary G. O’Connell Faculty/Student Research Award
Fellow: Brandon Morande '19
Research Project: Salud callejera: Mobilizing cuidado at the margins of neoliberalism
Faculty Mentor: Oyman Basaran
Fellow: Colby Joncas '19
Research Project: Functional Connectivity and Neural Oscillations in Episodic Memory
Faculty Mentor: Erika Nyhus
Fellow: Emily Oleisky '20
Research Project: The relationship between receptor expression and function in patterned generators
in crustacean nervous systems
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Ethan Winter '19
Research Project: E. E. Schattschneider and the Development of a National Party System, 1935-1969
Faculty Mentor: Jeffrey Selinger
Fellow: Grace Wheeler '19
Research Project: The Effects of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Emotion Recognition in Depression
Faculty Mentor: Kelly Parker-Guilbert
Fellow: Hannah Karlan '19
Research Project: New American Farming in Maine
Faculty Mentor: Shana Starobin
Fellow: Julian Garrison '19
Research Project: Salt in the Wound: Relationship between salinity gradients, stomatal morphology, and epigenetics in the common reed, Phragmites australis.
Faculty Mentor: Barry Logan
Fellow: Kacie Nelson '19
Research Project: Degradation Pathways in Aminonaphthols
Faculty Mentor: Kana Takematsu
Fellow: Kai'olu DeFries '19
Research Project: Photocatalytic Degradation of Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, and Naproxen
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Stemmler
Fellow: Kitrea Takata-Glushkoff '19
Research Project: Parameterizing Glacier Thinning and Retreat: A Case Study in High Mountain Asia
Pacifica (Kitrea)
Faculty Mentor: Philip Camill
Fellow: Kinaya Hassane '19
Research Project: Shaping Canons and Building Legacies: Collectors and the History of African American
Faculty Mentor: Dana Byrd
Fellow: Lauren Hickey '20
Research Project: The Role of Social Networks in Climate-Resiliency among Farmer-Campesinos in Maine and Bolivia
Faculty Mentor: Shana Starobin
Fellow: Luke Frankel '18
Research Project: Evaluating ecosystem change in the Gulf of Maine using biogeographic regions derived from satellite observations of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration
Faculty Mentor: Collin Roesler
Fellow: Maddie Rolph '19
Research Project: Mechanisms underlying variable responses to isoforms of the neuropeptide C-type allatostatin (AST-C) in the American lobster, Homarus americanus
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Madeleine King '19
Research Project: New American Farming in Maine
Faculty Mentor: Shana Starobin
Fellow: Manlio Calentti '20
Research Project: An experimental and analytical investigation of clinopyroxene sector zoning in two Hawaiian magmas
Faculty Mentor: Emily Peterman
Fellow: Matthew Maguire '19
Research Project: Tension production and sarcomere length in lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac muscles: the
mechanisms underlying mechanical anisotropy
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Miranda Miller '19
Research Project: Becoming Brasília: A Gregarious Capital City
Faculty Mentor: Jill Pearlman
Fellow: Noah Dubay '19
Research Project: Madame Medea: European Reimaginings in the 19th Century
Faculty Mentor: Susan Wegner
Fellow: Oratile Monkhei '20
Research Project: Racist Persuasions: How Historical Formations of Chinese Identity Inform Mainland
China’s Contemporary Views of Africans
Faculty Mentor: Tara Mock
Fellow: Phoebe Zipper '19
Research Project: Native Sovereignty in the Shatter Zone: The Northern Theater of King Philip's War
Faculty Mentor: Strother Roberts
Fellow: Rosa Rossi-Goldthorpe '19
Research Project: Flow-kick Systems in Neuroscience: Applications to the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Faculty Mentor: Mary Lou Zeeman
Fellow: Sadie LoGerfo-Olsen '19
Research Project: From Stories to Change: Examining the Political Power of Gendered First Person Narratives in the United States
Faculty Mentor: Jay Sosa
Fellow: Sam Brill-Weil '20
Research Project: Characterization of injury-induced changes in the brain circuitry of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus
Faculty Mentor: Hadley Horch
Fellow: Samuel Adler '19
Research Project: The Evolution of the Immigrantenfilm in Germany
Faculty Mentor: Jill Smith
Fellow: Sofia Trogu '19
Research Project: Functional Connectivity and Neural Oscillations in Episodic Memory
Faculty Mentor: Erika Nyhus
Fellow: Stephen Pastoriza '19
Research Project: Conceptualizing Beauty and Capturing Love: Images of Women in the Works of Ivan
Turgenev and Aleksei Kharlamov
Faculty Mentor: Alyssa Gillespie
Fellow: Tessa Epstein '19
Research Project: Novel Sugar-Based Gold Inhibitors of Helicobacter pylori
Faculty Mentor: Danielle Dube
Fellow: Tobi Omola '19
Research Project: Fortuno - Music composition, recording, and performance
Faculty Mentor: Vineet Shende
Fellow: Valeria Magallan '19
Research Project: The Role of Quinone Methides in Dimerization of Coniferyl Alcohol in Wood-Based Pyrolysis Oil
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Stemmler
Fellow: Zoe Aarons '19
Research Project: Rapid Processing of High Resolution Bamboo Coral Barium/Calcium Records from the California Margin
Faculty Mentor: Michele LaVigne
Hughes Family Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: David Bombard '22
Research Project: Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) as an Indicator of Photosynthesis
Faculty Mentor: Barry Logan
Fellow: Shona Ortiz '21
Research Project: A Thermochronological Study of the Central Appalachian Mountains
Faculty Mentor: Jaclyn Baughman
Kaufman Family Fellowship
Fellow: Jack Beckitt-Marshall '21
Research Project: Vector-based Machine Translation between English and German
Faculty Mentor: Eric Chown
Kibbe Science Fellowship
Fellow: Alexander Burns '21
Research Project: Representations of Real Numbers
Faculty Mentor: Michael King
Fellow: Kimberly Hancock '21
Research Project: Cascades with Overexposure in Social Networks
Faculty Mentor: Mohammad Irfan
Fellow: Nawapan Wattanawanichkul '21
Research Project: A Computation of L(2k + 1, χ4)
Faculty Mentor: Naomi Tanabe
Fellow: Renita Shivnauth '21
Research Project: The Complexity of the Black Scholes Model and the Poisson Process
Faculty Mentor: Patricia Garmirian
Fellow: Rose Xi '22
Research Project: Natural Language Learning Supports to Represent STEM Graphical Materials for Students with Vision Impairments
Faculty Mentor: Stacy Doore
Kufe Family Research Fellowship
Fellow: Andrew Bolender '21
Research Project: Chromatin Conformation Analysis of Enhancer Usage
Faculty Mentor: Michael Palopoli
Fellow: Claire Havig '21
Research Project: Sonic Hedgehog Expression During Tooth Development in Danio rerio
Faculty Mentor: William Jackman
Fellow: Edward Bull '20
Research Project: The characterization of glycosylated neuropeptides from the lobster, Homarus americanus
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Stemmler
Fellow: Frances Zorensky '20
Research Project: Isolation of Cell Adhesion Mutations In A Flowering Plant
Faculty Mentor: Bruce Kohorn
Fellow: Ilana Olin '20
Research Project: An Innovative Approach to Improving Antibiotics: Investigating the Efficacy of Inhibiting Pathogen Glycosylation to Synergistically Improve Existing Antibiotics
Faculty Mentor: Danielle Dube
Fellow: Manlio Calentti '20
Research Project: Analysis of sector-zoned clinopyroxene from Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Beane
Fellow: Onyedika Onuorah '22
Research Project: Tick-borne Invasion of Lyme Disease in Maine
Faculty Mentor: Vladimir Douhovnikoff
Fellow: Yujin Moon '20
Research Project: The examination of 213 bp dlx2b enhancer that is required for the expression of dlx2b gene during tooth formation
Faculty Mentor: William Jackman
Edward E. Langbein Sr. Summer Fellowship
Fellow: Julia Morris '18
Research Project: Using Organic Chemistry to move towards a greener future: experimental investigation into the dimerization of linear alpha olefins
Faculty Mentor: Richard Broene
Fellow: Katharine Morse-Gagne '19
Research Project: Bodily Manifestations of Race and Place in Middle English Literature
Faculty Mentor: Emma Maggie Solberg
Lifson Family Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Isabel Thomas '20
Research Project:Broadway as National Cultural Representation
Faculty Mentor: Theo Greene
Maine Space Grant Consortium Fellowship
Fellow: Adedunmola Adewale '22
Research Project: Discovery of genes required for glycolipids biosynthesis in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori
Faculty Mentor: Danielle Dube
Fellow: David Brower '20
Research Project: Variation in Gene Expression in D. melanogaster
Faculty Mentor: Michael Palopoli
Fellow: Hannah Konkel '20
Research Project: Investigating chromatin conformation and enhancer usage in Drosophila
Faculty Mentor: Mike Palopoli
Fellow: Ida Cortez '20
Research Project: Exploration of Kochen-Specker Colorability
Faculty Mentor: Manuel Reyes
Fellow: Joanna Lin '22
Research Project: Rapid effects of sex steroids in goldfish (Carassius auratus): behavioral and anatomical approaches.
Faculty Mentor: Richmond Thompson
Fellow: Leah Kratochvil '20
Research Project: Rapid effects of sex steroids on PGF2 approach response in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Faculty Mentor: Richmond Thompson
Fellow: Michelle Luan '22
Research Project: Computational Design & Synthesis to Facilitate Science Communication
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Harmon
Craig A. McEwen Student Research Fellowship in the Social Sciences
Fellow: Mackey O'Keefe '21
Research Project: An Umpire Among Equals:
The Espoused and Practiced Judicial Philosophy of Chief Justice John Roberts
Faculty Mentor: Maron Sorenson
Fellow: Theodora Hurley '20
Research Project: Reproductive Decision-Making Among Women in MidCoast Maine
Faculty Mentor: Nancy Riley
Micoleau Family Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts
Fellow: Nathan Blum '20
Research Project: Non-Prophets: Boys, Technology, and Contemporary Education in the Novel
Faculty Mentor: Brock Clarke
Fellow: Sebastian Hernandez '20
Research Project: A Play in Sketches
Faculty Mentor: Davis Robinson
Ellen M. P'78 and Herbert M. Patterson '42, P'78 Research Fellowship
Fellow: Marcus Helble '21
Research Project: A History and Analysis of Iraqi Jewish Emigration to the United States
Faculty Mentor: Idriss Jebari
Patterson/Baird Family Research Fellowship
Fellow: Jairo Izaguirre '22
Research Project: Looking Back at the Lost Generation: Representing Veterans of the First World War in German Literature and Culture during the Weimar Republic & Now
Faculty Mentor: Jill Smith
Rusack Coastal Studies Fellowship
Fellow: Emma Bertke '20
Research Project: The Sea Star Oscillatory Gait: Flow and Inclines
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Kaya Wurtzel '21
Research Project: The Sea Star Oscillatory Gait: Flow and Inclines
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Samuel Milligan '20
Research Project: Fiction on the Coast of Maine
Faculty Mentor: Brock Clarke
Fellow: Sophia Walton '21
Research Project: The Sea Star Oscillatory Gait: Flow and Inclines
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Stahl Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Ishani Agarwal '20
Research Project: Cinematic Reimaginings of Early Christians in Ancient Rome
Faculty Mentor: Catherine Baker
Surdna Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Fellow: Alyce McFadden '20
Research Project: Rousseau, Ritual, and Revolution
Faculty Mentor: Michael Hawley
Fellow: Augustus Gilchrist '20
Research Project: "The Happiness that Redeems the Bitterness of Previous Pages": Mikhail Zoshchenko and the 19th Century Russian Canon
Faculty Mentor: Alyssa Gillespie
Fellow: Caleb Perez '20
Research Project: Investigating the role of fgf10 in Zebrafish tooth development via a CRISPR-Cas9 generated reporter knockout
Faculty Mentor: Wiliam Jackman
Fellow: Camila Papadopoulo '20
Research Project: Companion
Faculty Mentor: Anthony Walton
Fellow: Claudine Chartouni '20
Research Project: Contemporary Elite Italian Art Collectors and the Cultural Context that Shaped Them
Faculty Mentor: Arielle Saiber
Fellow: Danielle Horne '20
Research Project: Clonal Plant Response to Loss of Connectivity in Quaking Aspens (Populus tremuloides)
Faculty Mentor: Vladimir Douhovnikoff
Fellow: Daniel Strodel '20
Research Project: Agent Based Modelling of Rental Markets
Faculty Mentor: Jack O'Brien
Fellow: Dani Hove '20
Research Project: A Cure for Neuromancers: Developing Software Solutions to Cyber Sickness with Tunneling and
Predictive Rail Systems
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Harmon
Fellow: Eleanor Sapat '20
Research Project: Chowing Down East: A Collection of Essays Exploring Food, Family and History
Faculty Mentor: Alex Marzano-Lesnevich
Fellow: Emma Bezilla '20
Research Project: Advanced Mammals: Stories
Faculty Mentor: Brock Clarke
Fellow: John Rodgers '20
Research Project: Temporality in Proust, Joyce, and Woolf: A Literary-Philosophical Study
Faculty Mentor: Marilyn Reizbaum
Fellow: John Tarlton '20
Research Project: Dreamland: Essays - A creative nonfiction writing collection
Faculty Mentor: Alex Marzano-Lesnevich
Fellow: Luke Basler '20
Research Project: Constraining the mid-to-low temperature thermal history of the Central Appalachian Mountains using zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
Faculty Mentor: Jaclyn Baughman
Fellow: Owen Tuck '20
Research Project: Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori glycoprotein biosynthesis
Faculty Mentor: Danielle Dube
Fellow: Ray Tarango '20
Research Project: Bosques Si, Tala No”: The Uprising of Cherán, Michoacán
Faculty Mentor: Javier Cikota
Fellow: Reyna Parker '20
Research Project: Examining Enhancers and PREs In Relation to Gene Expression in the Eyes Absent Gene Within Drosophila melanogaster
Faculty Mentor: Jack Bateman
Fellow: Zachary Coddington '20
Research Project: The Spartan Ideal in Modern Political Theory
Faculty Mentor: Robert Sobak
Nellie C. Watterson Summer Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts
Fellow: Frances Weed '21
Research Project: Exploring Perspective in Poetry
Faculty Mentor: Anthony Walton
Fellow: Hadley McCollester '20
Research Project: Short Film Screenplay and Storyboard
Faculty Mentor: Allison Cooper