Barakat Fellowship
Fellow: Fiona Doherty '20
Research Project: An Investigation of Islamic Spain
Faculty Mentor: Russell Hopley
Bowdoin Research Award
Fellow: Grady Aldrich '18
Research Project: Advanced Material Investigation Through Sculpture
Faculty Mentor: Jackie Brown
Fellow: Evan Baughman '17
Research Project: Class and American Religion
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Pritchard
Fellow: Aidan Coyle '17
Research Project: Variation in cold tolerance of the European green crab along the eastern coast of North America
Faculty Mentor: David Carlon
Fellow: Jiaqi Duan '17
Research Project: Driver's of China's Stick Market Volatility: Retail Investors' Behavior and Lack to Indexing
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Botsch
Fellow: Gregory Maslak '17
Research Project: Bank Consolidation and Systemic Risk: M&As During a Crisis
Faculty Mentor: Gonca Senel
Fellow: Liam Taylor '17
Research Project: Integrated Population Model for a Local Extinction of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)
Faculty Mentor: Nathaniel Wheelwright
Fellow: Justin Wallace '17
Research Project: What drives consumer demand for slant?
Faculty Mentor: Daniel Stone
Breckinridge Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Nell Fitzgerald '19
Research Project: Are Women's Rights Human Rights? An Analysis of the Modern State Department
Faculty Mentor: Janet Martin
Fellow: Noah Rothman '19
Research Project: Measuring the Ideologies of Federal Election Commissioners
Faculty Mentor: Michael Franz
Christenfeld Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Logan House '17
Research Project: CODOX
Faculty Mentor: Mark Wethli
Craig A. McEwen Student Research Fellowship in the Social Sciences
Fellow: Ethan Bevington '19
Research Project: There’s no such thing as cheap talk: A machine learning analysis of pre-play communication on Golden Balls
Faculty Mentor: Daniel Stone
Fellow: Julianna Hauri '18
Research Project: Phobias and Death: A Terror Management View of BII Phobia and Arachnophobia
Faculty Mentor: Zachary Rothschild
James Stacy Coles Fellowship
Fellow: Bennett Sneath '20
Research Project: Mapping the Energetic Landscape for the PNA(P)/Pyridine Chemical Actinometer System: A Full Experimentaland Theoretical Quantum Dynamics Investigation
Faculty Mentor: Soren Eutis
Fellow: Daniel Williams '19
Research Project: Targeting of Helicobacter pylori using photodynamic therapy agents
Faculty Mentor: Danielle Dube
Martha Reed Coles Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Fellow: Sydney To '19
Research Project: Interracial Romances in Asian-American Literature
Faculty Mentor: Belinda Kong
Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Coastal Studies Fellowship
Fellow: Tom Diaz '18
Research Project: A Game of Operation: Investigating the Modulatory Effects of Myosuppressin Isoforms on the Homarus Cardiac Ganglia
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Genesis Escalante '18
Research Project: The natural contraction amplitudes and stretches of the heart muscles of the American lobster
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Gina Fickera '18
Research Project: The role of the dorsal abdominal artery in providing elastic recoil of the heart of the American lobster
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Matt Maguire '19
Research Project: Determining how differences in orientation and sarcomere length in lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac muscles relate to passive and active mechanical properties of the heart
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Ali Miller '18
Research Project: Comparing stomatogastric nervous system modulation in related crab species, Pugettia producta and Libinia emarginata
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Emily Oleisky '20
Research Project: Post-Translational Modifications in Determining the Modulatory Effects of Myosuppressin on the Ligatured Cardiac Ganglion of the American Lobster, Homarus americanus
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: John Pietro '19
Research Project: Pressure alters the stroke volume and heart rate of the American lobster Homarus americanus
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Coastal/Environmental Studies
Fellow: Zoe Borenstein '18
Research Project: Permuting pH: Understanding Ocean Acidification in the Gulf of Maine
Faculty Mentor: Michele LaVigne
Fellow: Madeline Schuldt '18
Research Project: Disease on the Half-Shell: Prevalence and impact of the protistan pathogen MSX on oyster population health throughout the Gulf of Maine
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Kingston
Goldsmith Adams Research Award
Fellow: Ethan Barkalow '18
Research Project: Urban Space on the Frontier: The Development of Sapporo in Meiji Japan
Faculty Mentor: Sakura Christmas
Peter J. Grua and Mary G. O'Connell Faculty/Student Research Award
Fellow: Robert Barron '17
Research Project: Mapping a parrotfish hybrid swarm: the world's largest hybrid zone?
Faculty Mentor: David Carlon
Fellow: Georgia Bolduc '17
Research Project: Carbon Cycling in Maine's Lakes: A Study of Dissolved Organic Carbon Trends
Faculty Mentor: Collin Roesler
Fellow: Peter Cohen '17
Research Project: Attendance to the Joint Meeting of the Indian Consortium and the American Mathematical Society
Faculty Mentor: Michael King
Fellow: Jefferson Cuartas '14
Research Project: Beyond the Storefront: The Korean American Experience in New York City
Faculty Mentor: Nancy Riley
Fellow: Cameron de Wet '17
Research Project: Using cathodoluminescence to study the mineral kyanite in the only known ultrahigh-pressure rocks in North America
Faculty Mentor: Emily Peterman
Fellow: William Doak '17
Research Project: French and Italian Cafe Spaces and the Third Places They Create in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Faculty Mentor: Arielle Saiber
Fellow: Harrison Fisher '17
Research Project: Applying Granger Causality to Assess Directionality of Theta Oscillations During Episodic Memory Retrieval
Faculty Mentor: Erika Nyhus
Fellow: Adam Glynn '17
Research Project: Dante's contrappasso in Italian and American horror films
Faculty Mentor: Allison Cooper
Fellow: Malcolm Groves '17
Research Project: Excited-State Intermolecular Proton Transfer in Aminonaphthols
Faculty Mentor: Kana Takematsu
Fellow: Starling Irving '17
Research Project: The New England Heroin Epidemic and Heroin-Related Incarcerations
Faculty Mentor: Russ Rymer
Fellow: Arindam Jurakhan '17
Research Project: Music Composition Honors Project
Faculty Mentor: Vineet Shende
Fellow: Casey Krause '17
Research Project: Between Turkey and Germany, from Mutterzunge to Kanak Sprak: Linguistic and Spatial Identities in 20th Century Turkish-German Migrant Literature
Faculty Mentor: Jens Klenner
Fellow: Pieter Martino '17
Research Project: Linking stress phenotype of blue mussels to standing genetic variation amidst a changing climate
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Kingston
Fellow: Hannah Miller '17
Research Project: Seasonal Variability in Carbonate Chemistry of Softshell Clam Mudflats, Gulf of Maine
Faculty Mentor: Michele LaVigne
Fellow: Abby Motycka '17
Research Project: White Backlash in the Civil Rights Movement: A Study of the White Responses to the Little Rock Crisis of 1957
Faculty Mentor: Brian Purnell
Fellow: Alexander Poblete '17
Research Project: The Kinetics of Excited State Proton Transfer in Aqueous Reverse Micellese
Faculty Mentor: Kana Takematsu
Fellow: Meredith Stanhope '18
Research Project: Investigating the multiple binding capabilities of multiple isoforms of C-type alltostatin to previously identified receptor sequences from Homarus americanus
Faculty Mentor: Patsy Dickinson
Fellow: Lydia Woodward '17
Research Project: The Politics of Integration: How Portland's Central African Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers Navigate the Law
Faculty Mentor: David Gordon
Fellow: Cordelia Zars '17
Research Project: What is Believed and What is Borrowed: 500 Years of Cultural Appropriation in Spanish Music
Faculty Mentor: Robert Greenlee
Hughes Family Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Atticus Carnell '18
Research Project: Just War Theory for the 21st Century: is Climate Change ‘Just Cause’ for War?
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Conly
Fellow: Meera Prasad '19
Research Project: Efficacy of fish passage over the Brunswick-Topsham hydroelectric dam by American shad (Alosa sapidissima)
Faculty Mentor: John Lichter
Kaufman Family Fellowship
Fellow: Louis Mendez '19
Research Project: The Development of a Mass Spectrometric Method for the Detection of Neuropeptide Receptors in the American Lobster, Homarus americanus
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Stemmler
Kibbe Science Fellowship
Fellow: Conor Belfield '19
Research Project: A Hybrid Parallel-Computing Approach to Total Viewshed Problems
Faculty Mentor: Laura Toma
Fellow: Wil Nichols '19
Research Project: Fitness effects of HCNE knock-outs in Drosophila melanogaster
Faculty Mentor: Michael Palopoli
Fellow: Elizabeth Teeter '18
Research Project: Plutonic Lithics Record Variations in the Magmatic System beneath the Akaroa Volcanic Complex, New Zealand
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Beane
Kibbe Fellowship in Honor of Gabriela Gonzalez
Fellow: Elizabeth Bennewitz '19
Research Project: Bondi Accretion in the Presence of Heating
Faculty Mentor: Thomas Baumgarte
Kufe Family Student Research Fellowship
Fellow: Paige Brown '19
Research Project: The Synthesis and Characterization of Brominated 17α-ethinylestradiol
Faculty Mentor: Soren Eustis
Fellow: Conor McManamy '19
Research Project: Physical and Biomechanical Modeling of Underwater Locomotion in Sea Stars
Faculty Mentor: Amy Johnson
Fellow: Julia Morris '18
Research Project: Synthesis of Various Phenylisocyanide Ligands and Coordination to a Cobalt Precataylst for the Dimerization of Linear Alpha Olefins
Faculty Mentor: Richard Broene
Fellow: Kacie Nelson '19
Research Project: Characterizing Proton Transfer in Aminonaphthol Models
Faculty Mentor: Kana Takematsu
Fellow: Jack Sharland '18
Research Project: Study of β-amino Thioamide Sidechains in PPII Mimetic Peptoids
Faculty Mentor: Benjamin Gorske
Fellow: Moncia Xing '19
Research Project: Divergence in Chromatin Conformation between Drosophila Species Reflected in white gene Position Effect Variegation
Faculty Mentor: Michael Palopoli
Edward E. Langbein Sr. Summer Fellowship
Fellow: Alana Luzzio '17
Research Project: Assessing Genomic Variation in a Population of Bivalves from the Gulf of Maine
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Kingston
Lifson Family Summer Research Fellowship in the Social Sciences
Fellow: Philip Maier '18
Research Project: Historical Period Analysis of the Fama-French CAPM Models
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Botsch
Maine Space Grant Consortium Fellowship
Fellow: Sylvia Jimenez '19
Research Project: Analyzing the molecular underpinnings of injury response in Gryllus bimaculatus CNS using single-cell RNAseq
Faculty Mentor: Hadley Horch
Fellow: Emma Kane '18
Research Project: Investigating the role of rapidly-modulated testosterone in pheromone-induced olfactory processes in the common goldfish, Carassius auratus
Faculty Mentor: Richard Thompson
Fellow: Jack Moynihan '19
Research Project: Determining the Roles of Semaphorin 1a Protein in Adult Plasticity in Gryllus bimaculatus
Faculty Mentor: Hadley Horch
Fellow: Cirkine Sherry '18
Research Project: Physiological implications of sexually dimorphic auditory interneuron recovery in Gryllus bimaculatus
Faculty Mentor: Hadley Horch
Fellow: Kay Torrey '19
Research Project: Context-specific effects of vasotocin on social approach in the goldfish
Faculty Mentor: Leah Wilson
Fellow: Courtney Willey '20
Research Project: Physiological implications of sexually dimorphic auditory interneuron recovery in Gryllus bimaculatus
Faculty Mentor: Hadley Horch
Fellow: Tucker Williams '18
Research Project: Machine Learning for Identification and Generalization of Appliances in Smart Homes
Faculty Mentor: Sean Barker
Micoleau Summer Research Fellowship
Fellow: Sophie de Bruijn '18
Research Project: From Diller to Schumer: The History of Gendered Political Comedy in the United States
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Bay-Cheng
Patterson/Baird Family Research Fellowship
Fellow: Alec Ferguson-Hull '19
Research Project: Jazz Quintet for Strings
Faculty Mentor: Vineet Shende
Patterson Research Fellowship
Fellow: Justin Flaumenhaft '18
Research Project: The New Metaphysicians: Philosophy, Computers, and the Pursuit of Artificial Intelligence
Faculty Mentor: David Hecht
Phocas Family Fellowship
Fellow: Brittany Hernandez '19
Research Project: Ocean coastal acidification: Development of a spectrophotometric method for monitoring seawater pH at the Bowdoin Coastal Studies Center
Faculty Mentor: Michele LaVigne
Fellow: Jenny Ibsen '18
Research Project: Mapping Portland’s Working Waterfront: A Spatial History
Faculty Mentor: Jill Pearlman
Rusack Coastal Studies Fellowship
Fellow: Cory Alini '18
Research Project: Efficient Computations of Flooding Scenarios for the Coast of Maine
Faculty Mentor: Laura Toma
Fellow: Satya Kent '19
Research Project: Sediment Dynamics and the Stability of Maine's Largest Salt Marsh
Faculty Mentor: Peter Lea
Fellow: Maya Morduch-Toubman '18
Research Project: On the Water in Harpswell – Stories About Harpswell & Its Working Waterfront
Faculty Mentor: Sarah McMahon
Fellow: Aleksia Silverman '19
Research Project: Writing Fiction About the Maine Coast
Faculty Mentor: Brocke Clarke
Surdna Undergraduate Fellowship
Fellow: Frankie Ahrens '18
Research Project: Abstracted Biology
Faculty Mentor: Mark Wethli
Fellow: Carly Berlin '18
Research Project: An Explorations of "Two Countries" in One City
Faculty Mentor: Meredith McCarroll
Fellow: Sarah Bonanno '18
Research Project: Surveillance and Social Structure in The Changeling
Faculty Mentor: Aaron Kitch
Fellow: William Brockett '18
Research Project: Innovation and Information in Equity Markets: A Non-Monotonic Relationship
Faculty Mentor: Daniel Stone
Fellow: Jeonguk Choi '18
Research Project: A Study of Oxidane
Faculty Mentor: Erin Johnson
Fellow: Diya Chopra '18
Research Project: Youth, Agency, and Migration: The Effects of the Refugee Crisis on Unaccompanied Minors in Greece
Faculty Mentor: Krista Van Vleet
Fellow: Sophia Conwell '18
Research Project: Thionation of Peptoids for Enhanced Biomimicry
Faculty Mentor: Benjamin Gorske
Fellow: Laura Cotter '18
Research Project: Proton Transfer in Aminonaphthols
Faculty Mentor: Kana Takematsu
Fellow: Olivia Erickson '18
Research Project: Hannah Arendt and the Centrality of Political Life
Faculty Mentor: Paul Franco
Fellow: Nate Forlini '18
Research Project: The Truth is Out There: Conspiracy Theories as part of American Political and Cultural Life
Faculty Mentor: David Hecht
Fellow: Ira Li '18
Research Project: Kochen-Specker Colorability of 5-adic Vector Space
Faculty Mentor: Manuel Reyes
Fellow: Kevin Li '18
Research Project: Continued Fraction Algorithms and their Applications to Complex Numbers and Higher-Dimensional Lattices
Faculty Mentor: Michael King
Fellow: Emma Moesswilde '18
Research Project: Knowing Landscape, Knowing Country: Improvement, Enlightenment, and Ideas of Nature in Scotland, 1750-1815
Faculty Mentor: Meghan Roberts
Fellow: Sam Monkman '18
Research Project: Claims and Consistency: Outlining a Rights-Based Deontic Logic
Faculty Mentor: Scott Sehon
Fellow: Helen Ross '18
Research Project: Civic Virtue and the Domestic Sphere: Examining the Role of Women in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Émile and Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Faculty Mentor: Jean Yarbrough
Fellow: Philip Wang '18
Research Project: Towards the Automatic Detection of Archaeological Looting Using Computational Methods
Faculty Mentor: Lauren Toma
Nellie C. Watterson Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts
Fellow: Evelyn Beliveau '19
Research Project: Brandeis in Siena: Painting and Art History in Italy
Faculty Mentor: Mark Wethli
Wolstencroft China Fellowship
Fellow: Maisie Campbell '19
Research Project: Global Mindset: Studying in China with Princeton in Beijing
Faculty Mentor: Songren Cui