Time Management Hacks

Increasing your productivity


  • Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound).
  • Be very clear and precise.
  • Use positive statements.
  • WRITE your goals down
  • Break goals down into small, realistic, achievable action steps.
  • Keep a task list and check it regularly (see self-monitoring).
  • Visualize yourself achieving your goals.


  • Focus on one thing at a time, stop multitasking.
  • Define what your priorities are.
  • Use a priority matrix (e.g., Eisenhower’s Urgent-Important Principle).
  • Do the uncomfortable thing first.


  • Use a calendar or planner.
  • Plan your days, weeks, and even your semester.
  • Use your syllabus at the start of the semester and add all your assignment to your calendar, highlight the most significant ones.
  • Try to plan your upcoming week no later than Friday, so that you can include the weekend in your plan to work ahead (instead of catching up the weekend after)
  • To learn at the college level, expect to invest 6-9 hours into homework for each 1-credit course.
  • Pull forward work from busy times into less busier times.
  • Include breaks in your plan (e.g. work for 90 mins, take a 30 minute break).
  • Include free time, fun time, travel plan in your schedule.
  • Reserve time for unforeseen emergencies (buffer time).
  • Break large projects down into smaller more manageable pieces.
  • Calculate how long it will take you; be aware of planning fallacy and add some extra time to your estimates.
  • Set a deadline for each task.
  • Set reminders and notifications.
  • Commit to keep given times (Self-discipline).


  • Reward yourself for the effort not just the outcome.
  • Understand where your time goes, start tracking your time making short notes every hour.
    • How much did you get done?
    • Did you estimate enough time?
    • Identify where your estimates and actual time don’t match up.
    • Did you get distracted? (Keep an interruption log).
  • Keep score of your progress and goal achievement to have an overview of your productivity.

Time Savers

  • Get organized, declutter, and you will find things quicker (e.g. separate folder for each class, throw away what you don’t need).
  • Eliminate distractions, every time you get distracted you lose focus and time (e.g. close your browser, turn off your phone).
  • Say no. if you say yes to everything other people will decide your schedule and not you.
  • Cut down (or stop) watching tv, which is one of the biggest energy robbers.
  • Set yourself a deadline or time limit for a task (Parkinson’s law = Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion).
  • Set yourself little challenges such as “I will get this done in 2 hours”.
  • Do a lot of your homework in the morning (The same tasks will take you 50% longer in the evening).

Additional Time Management Hacks

  • Work ahead, submit assignments 2 days before they are due.
  • Do it now! Stop procrastinating! It’s all about getting started. Start now!
  • Use the pomodoro technique (work for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, after 2 hours take a 30- minute break).
  • Surround yourself with productive people.
  • Fake it till you become it (act productive to become productive).
  • Pretend every day is the day before the deadline.
  • When you get overwhelmed, concentrate on one thing at a time.
  • Avoid burning out.
    • Take time off every week
    • Get enough sleep
    • Invest time in self-care
  • Use your time wisely, do reading on the bus or train, use time in between classes for homework, even 30 minutes count.
  • Be aware of tasks that can be done in short times, like responding to emails, picking up a book from the library, doing laundry.
  • Reflect on your attitude, motivation, commitment, and self-discipline. What is getting in your way of implementing some these tips mentioned here?

For any new habit, especially the ones that require lots of self-discipline, start small. Pick just a few or only one of strategies and tips mentioned here and start incorporating them in your daily and weekly routines. Once a new habit is formed, go ahead and test out additional new strategies.

Time Management Secrets for College Students by Dennis Stemmle
The Productivity Revolution by Marc Reklau

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