Latin Honors Recipients

General honors (or Latin honors) are awarded with the degree on the basis of an average of all grades earned at Bowdoin, with a minimum of sixteen credits required for the grade point average (GPA) computation. Detailed information regarding the criteria for Latin Honors can be found here. 

A degree summa cum laude is awarded to the top 2 percent of the graduating class as calculated by GPA; a degree magna cum laude is awarded to the top 8 percent of the graduating class as calculated by GPA; and a degree cum laude is awarded to the top 20 percent of the graduating class as calculated by GPA.

Bowdoin does not disclose the GPA cutoffs for Latin Honors as they are relative to each graduating class.

Latin Honors Degree Recipients, May 25, 2024:

Summa Cum Laude

Sophia E. Adami-Sampson
Lyle Altschul
Zeb Becker
Astrid Knowles Braun
Annika René Carey
Katie Stebbins Draeger
Darien Seth Gillespie
Ezra Logan Jones
Zach M. Leibowitz
Emily Mae Simons
Megan Rylee Stretch

Magna Cum Laude

Ahmad Adeeb Abdulwadood
Thea J. Aslanian
Julianna Hellman Brown
Katrina Leila Carrier
Ava Julia Ferro Grandfield
Grant Gordon Griesman
Natasha Haft
Nina Hashimoto
Kori Elisabeth Kelley
Renske Kerkhofs
Isabelle Miller Lockhart
Jared Patrick Lynch
Sam Ashlin McClelland
Stephanie Ruth McCurrach
Kyle Marcus Moeller
Kinza Munaf
Adam Charles Nelson
Emma Rose Paterson-Dennis
Alexander Bryan Racapé
Zackery Dakota Reynolds
Andrea Rodríguez Garrido
Luke Samuel Tingley
Lionel Anil Welz
Nancy Xing

Cum Laude

Jenna Marie Albanese
Lexi Ritchie Ashraf
Devin Thomas Bellevue
Zane Matthew Bookbinder
Samara Kane Braverman
Samantha Rae Brown
Sarah Grace Conant
Rahul Dasgupta
Tess Margaret Davis
Noah Harrison Desmarais
Anna Diaconu
Cora Dow
Nuanxi (Sissi)  Feng
Emma Earth Folkman
Charlie Joseph Galicich
Cassandra Diane Goldberg
Shoshana Nan Gordon
Min Guo
Caroline Song Hallmark
Jane Charlotte Hirschman
Everett Cameron Horch
Amina Ali Hussein
Hannah Kim
Rachel Klein
Alexander Kozic
Katharine Ramsay Kurtz
Connor Joseph Latona
Liliana Lines
Agnes Katherine Macy
Richard John McNamara
Talia Rose Mirel
Ian William Morrison
Ayden Austin Nichol
Sophia Elisabeth Nigrovic
Abigail Cisneros Pachynski-Hoopes
Aditya Singh Pall-Pareek
Jake Tyler Phillips
Sejal V. Prachand
Christine Marie Reimer
Dylan Austin Richmond
Robert Bradley Schoenthaler
Ellie Katherine Schofield
Jack Selig
Eliza Browning Strout
Nora Anmei Sullivan Horner
Liam B.R. Tasker
Josephine Price Tidmore
Jacob Matthew Trachtenberg
Gianna Caitlyn Turk
Shea Tyrrell
Carson Maitland Williams
Nicholas Takaki Tienhui Yoong