Learning Online

Managing Your Time

To adjust to remote learning, you will need to find ways to create structure for yourself. Creating and sticking to a routine and a schedule will provide structure and keep you motivated.


  • Mark your major assignments on a calendar (paper or digital or both) you check regularly. This will help you keep an overview of the workload even weeks ahead.
  • Create a weekly schedule and follow it. Choose a tool that you will actually use (mobile app, wall calendar, bound paper planner, outlook calendar, etc.). 
  • Block out class times and other meetings with predetermined times.
  • Write down deadlines for homework, papers and any other assignments. 
“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”

—William Penn

  • Set your personal deadline 2 days earlier than the due date in case of any technology or other issues that may arise.
  • Define the structure for the remaining time of your days:
    • Set (realistic!) daily goals. Having and striving towards goals can be highly motivating and you will feel accomplished when you achieve them. Consider sharing your goals with a friend or family member to increase your commitment.
    • Have time reserved and planned for each course. This is particularly important when balancing multiple courses and responsibilities as it can be easy to lose track of one in favor of another. 
    • Schedule time for breaks. Use a timer to work for twenty-five minutes (times four) with five-minute breaks, or fifty minutes (times two) with a ten-minute break (Pomodoro method)
    • Schedule time to exercise and time to spend with family and friends, even if it is over the phone or online.
  • Consider sharing your schedule with family members or roommates. Maybe you can create a similar rhythm of work and free time to remove the temptation to socialize when have scheduled time to study.


  • Focus on one thing at a time
  • Study for shorter times, many times. Use a timer to work for twenty-five minutes (times four) with five-minute breaks, or fifty minutes (times two) with a ten-minute break (Pomodoro method)
  • Break large assignments or projects down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Tell yourself, you just need to start something, not finish it. This will make it easier to get started, and once started it’s usually easier to keep going.
  • If possible, do something for every class every weekday, or at the least every other day.
  • Find an accountability partner (a friend, family member or academic coach) to share daily and weekly goals. Check in with them daily. This will motivate you to set goals and increase your commitment to completing them.
  • Consider joining or forming study groups. Working through questions and concepts together is an important part of learning. When learning online this is also a great way to stay connected to your classmates and friends.
  • Don’t just silence your phone, turn it off or even better leave it in a different room. The presence of your phone alone can be a distraction.

Download our tips here: Time Management for Remote Learners


Even with online instruction, you may encounter new disability-related barriers and would like to request accommodations. 
  • If you are not currently registered as a student with a disability with the Student Accessibility Office, please follow the instructions on the SAO website.
  • If you are already registered with the Student Accessibility Office and need to discuss any necessary adjustments to your existing accommodations, please contact Lesley Levy (llevy@bowdoin.edu).

The Academic Honor Code applies to the work you complete for your Bowdoin courses, whether on campus or learning  remotely. Bowdoin is an academic community committed to integrity in our academic work. Be in touch with your faculty and instructors, whether about assignment guidelines or to ask for clarification on their collaboration policies to submit work that meets the criteria for academic integrity. 

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. ”
