Medical FSA Reimbursement
Each medical FSA participant will receive a debit card with his/her name on it for the account. You can use the debit card for claims or you can submit paper claim forms to Flores. You have access to your total annual medical election at any time during the year.
IRS rules require that all transactions must be substantiated – even debit card transactions (however, debit card transactions at providers/merchants who can electronically validate the expense as FSA eligible at the point of sale do “not” require substantiation). Always save itemized receipts for submission to Flores. If substantiation is required, participants will be notified by email or an alert on the Flores participant portal home page. Employees may also see if a claim requires substantiation by logging into their online account or mobile app to check the status of a claim.
Dependent FSA Reimbursement
Dependent FSA claims are submitted to Flores using a paper claim form. You may only submit reimbursement request for amounts that you have already put in your dependent care FSA. If you meet certain criteria you may be eligible for Flores automatic dependent care reimbursement process.