Housing and Food Plans

Residential: All students living in the following on-campus locations must participate in the 21 Food Plan, 14 Food Plan or 10 Food Plan (21, 14 or 10 meals/week). 

  • 52 Harpswell Road
  • Appleton Hall
  • Baxter House
  • Boody-Johnson House
  • Burnett House
  • Chamberlain Hall
  • Coleman Hall
  • Coles Tower
  • Helmreich House
  • Howard Hall
  • Howell House
  • Hyde Hall
  • MacMillan House
  • Maine Hall
  • Moore Hall
  • Osher Hall
  • Quinby House
  • Reed House
  • Stowe Hall
  • Winthrop Hall
  • West Hall

College Apartments and Off-campus: Students living in the following College apartments and properties, and students living off-campus in non-College housing, may choose any of the above plans, or may opt for the 9 Food Plan (9 meals/week) or Declining Balance Food Plan (all points-based).

  • 30 College Street
  • Brunswick Apartments
  • Harpswell Apartments
  • Mayflower Apartments
  • Park Row Apartments
  • Pine Street Apartments
  • Russwurm
  • Smith House
  • Stowe Inn


Questions regarding food plan policies at Bowdoin?  Contact Stephanie LeMieux, Dining Service Business Manager, (207) 798-4357.