Writing Accountability Groups

Who: Any faculty working on a writing project in need of structure and accountability

What: One-hour meeting every two weeks to build community and accountability around writing projects (Note: this will not be writing time, please see options for writing session HERE).

How: An accountability model that emphasizes self-reported progress in a community of other writers with works-in-progress. We will modify the model suggested by Dr. Kerry Ann Rocquemore; see excerpt from Inside Higher Ed.

  • At initial kick-off meeting the week of October 30 (hopefully over lunch, if schedules align) of all interested faculty, Lisa Flanagan will explain the model and facilitate the assignment of groups based on teaching schedules, scholarly areas and other preferences. 
  • Subsequently, each group will meet every two weeks, over lunch or a mutually convenient time:
  • At accountability meeting, each group member will share:
    • What was accomplished since the last meeting
    • Goals for the next meeting

When: Every other week through week through May

Why: To build community, to learn to set realistic goals, to create accountability

For more information, see excerpt below from Inside Higher Ed, or contact Lisa Flanagan at lflanag2@bowdoin.edu.

Please complete this form by October 15 if you are interested in joining a Writing Accountability Group this semester.  Dependable attendance is a requirement for participation.