Faculty Fellows Program

Program Mission

Bowdoin is committed to fostering inclusive excellence in teaching1. The Faculty Fellows program, supported by the Sze Family Faculty Fellows Award, creates opportunities for faculty to engage in a year-long learning community. During the year faculty engage in reflective teaching practices, and develop pedagogical strategies to optimize student learning outcomes by creating inclusive and equitable learning environments. 

Program Outcomes

The Baldwin CLT Faculty Fellows program works with faculty to identify:

  • key course goals
  • challenges to student learning
  • and areas of improvement within one course

By engaging in a learning community with colleagues, faculty fellows discuss, learn about, and design course goals, assignments, syllabi and instruction to more effectively meet the needs of the diverse learners in their classes through inclusive, equitable, learner-centered practices.

"We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience."

—John Dewey

Opens Faculty Fellows Profiles with bios
The 2023-24 Faculty Fellows. Top, L to R: Lindsay Rapport, Keona Ervin, Fe McBride
Bottom, L to R: Mira Nikolova, Amnon Ortoll-Bloch, Paula Cuellar Cuellar 
Read their profiles here.

Who Should Apply?

We welcome applicants who want to learn more about the scholarship of teaching and learning, and strategies to enhance student belonging, confidence, and equity in the classroom. The Baldwin CLT Faculty Fellows Program is open to anyone teaching a course or lab in the spring of 2024 and on campus in the fall of 2023. The Baldwin CLT Faculty Fellows program is open to all faculty members including lecturers and lab instructors. Faculty who are designing Difference, Power and Inequity (DPI) courses or courses with DPI components are particularly encouraged to apply. Fellows will be chosen based on their application statements and the intent to have a broad representation of different course levels, course sizes, and divisions in each Faculty Fellows cohort. 

Why Participate?

Baldwin CLT Faculty Fellows will develop their teaching practice in a year-long, sustained learning community with colleagues to support student learning by integrating inclusive, equitable, culturally responsive strategies to elements of one Spring 2024 course. Fellows are expected to commit 3 hours a month to the program during the academic year. Baldwin CLT Faculty Fellows will:  

  • Participate in August CBB Course (Re)Design Experience (Dates TBD). 
  • Engage in CBB Pedagogy Matters Conference (August 25, 2023).
  • Participate in monthly Faculty Fellows meetings (September-December & January-May).
  • Complete readings, reflections or preparatory work prior to each meeting.
  • Engage in a Teaching Triangle or Teaching Mirror in the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Design a course improvement plan comprised of learning outcomes, assessment map, instructional moves, and detailed budget (if applicable) in the Fall semester. 
  • Pilot a course innovation in the Spring semester 2024.
  • Complete program assessment activities (surveys, exit interviews, etc.).
  • Share your course innovation with the college campus through a Faculty Seminar Presentation.
  • Receive funding for participation in the Faculty Fellows program ($1,500 Sze Family Faculty Fellow Award in May 2024) with the potential of $4,000 more for funding needs related to teaching through course development funds. (Purchasing materials, attending conferences, visiting classrooms, creating materials such as videos, or other reasonable expenditures.) 

Insights from Past Participants


"I have learned to be a more embodied teacher and to be aware of my presence in the room with students."

"I appreciate the conversations we shared together this year and I know being a part of the fellows program has made me a better teacher."

"I have started trusting students more to answer, building expectations sooner, and that it is ok for me not to be the authority. I am thinking more about barriers and a slower pace to the class."


1Inclusive excellence in teaching at Bowdoin is evidenced by: 
  1. Designing courses and using instructional practices that are based on learning goals and that foster student curiosity, creativity, growth, and critical and independent thinking;
  2. Communicating ideas, theories, skills, and/or concepts from the relevant field in an accessible and intellectually challenging manner;
  3. Creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment that prepares students to value differences and interact constructively with a diversity of people, spaces, situations, and ideas;
  4. Providing clear expectations and constructive, fair, and timely evaluation of student work that enhances learning and growth;
  5. Demonstrating continued self-reflection and growth as an inclusive educator;
  6. Fostering student learning and belonging at Bowdoin by mentoring and supporting advisees, students enrolled in one's classes, and/or other students in the Bowdoin community.