Our Faculty and Staff


Jennifer Honeycutt headshot

Jennifer Honeycutt

Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, on leave for the 2024 fall semester
Erika Nyhus Headshot

Erika Nyhus

Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology
Samuel Putnam

Samuel Putnam

A. Myrick Freeman Professor in Social Sciences, Chair of Psychology Department
Zachary Rothschild headshot

Zachary Rothschild

Associate Professor of Psychology, on leave for the fall 2024 semester
Tom Small headshot

Thomas W. Small

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience


Faculty Emeriti

Barbara S. Held
Barry N. Wish Professor of Psychology and Social Studies Emerita
Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Ontology and Epistemology of Psychological Kinds, Philosophical Underpinnings and Implications of Psychotherapies and Psychological Movements

Alfred H. Fuchs
Professor of Psychology Emeritus

Paul E. Schaffner
Associate Professor of Psychology Emeritus

Louisa M. Slowiaczek
Professor of Psychology Emerita

Melinda Y. Small 
Professor of Psychology Emerita