Advisory Committee

Committee formed at the beginning of each academic year to act as a sounding board and support system to the Director. Members also act as links between administration and parent body. Committee meets monthly and typically parents serve for one full year.

2023-24 Advisory Committee

Bowdoin College Staff
Megan Hart, Legal Office and Assistant Secretary of the College 

BCCC Staff
Betsy Myers, Assistant Director
Jewely Hill, OT Co-Lead Specilaist  

BCCC Current Parents
Christine Sullivan (PS)
Kelly Parker-Guilbert (PS)
Jenn Pidgeon (PS)
Shana Starobin (OT)
Jennifer Honeycutt (PS)
Justin Fahey (PS)
Chloe Qian (YT)
Sakura Christmas (OT)

BCCC Former Parents
Mallory Michaeles