Calendar for Chairs & Directors

Below are specific dates and deadlines. For an overview of typical annual duties, please see the Annual Workflow Chart.
2023-2024 Consolidated Calendar Chairs Addendum
Available early Aug. CBB Chairs Institute Online Modules in Canvas
August 18 Initial course placements for incoming students due from departments and programs in the placement tool. New student placement changes accepted through the second week of the semester.
August 23-24 New Faculty Orienation
August 25 New and Newish Chair Meeting & Chairs/Coordinator Lunch
August 28 Academic Fair
August 28-29 First Year Registration – adjustment to course offerings if needed and support for pre-major advisors
Late Aug. Hiring of student employees for academic year
September 1 Department Chair/Program Director Meeting
September 8 Spring course proposals and revisions due to CIC from returning faculty (with Chair approval)
September 13 Placement tool closes
September 15  Spring course proposals and revisions due to CIC from new faculty (with chair approval)
September 16 Department/program tenure review materials available in Interfolio (department review begins)
Mid Sept. Initial meeting of first-year tenure-track faculty and chairs with academic deans
September 20 Department/program tenure review list of internal reviewers due
September 21 Spring course offering worksheets and scheduling grids available (due Oct. 4)
September 22 Department Chair/Program Director Meeting- Humanities only
September 25 Major/Minor Declarations for second semester sophomores: departments and programs begin review and approval process
September 25 Honors Projects candidates due from departments/programs for December completers (with Chair approval)
Mid Sept. - Nov. Department strategy meetings (scheduled by dean’s office)
September 29 Diversity in Faculty Hiring and Mentoring (DIFHM) workshop for faculty searches
October 4 Spring course offering worksheets and scheduling grids due from departments and programs
October 6 Major/Minor Certifications sent to departments and programs for December completers
October 6 Departments/Programs approve major/minor requests for second semester sophomores (advisor assignments due Oct. 25)
October 10 Full Professor external reviewer list from review committee chair uploaded to Interfolio
October 15 Department/program tenure review recommendations due and uploaded to Interfolio with a copy provided to candidate
October 20 Department Chair/Program Director Meeting
October 25 Departments/Programs assign advisors for second semester sophomores
October 30 Spring schedule of course offerings available in Classfinder (Chairs verify information is correct)
November 2-17 Adjustments to departmental course offerings for Spring registration (during Round 1 & 2)
Early Nov. Academic Budget requests (including staff, FTE, equipment, technology, and major maintenance)
November 15 Tenure-track reappointment candidate materials available in Interfolio (department review begins)
Mid Nov. CFD Applicant short list shared with departments (feedback due Dec.)
Mid Nov. Recruitment begins for approved visiting faculty searches
December 1 Major/minor proposals and revisions due to CIC for next academic
December 5 Major/Minor Certifications sent to departments and programs for May degree candidates (due Jan. 11)
Early Dec. CFD Applicant feedback due
Early Dec. Recruitment begins for approved visiting faculty searches
December 15 Honors Projects: Departmental honors levels due from departments and programs for December completers by 12:00pm
January 8 Fall grades due – help in tracking down faculty if necessary
January 9 Fall BCQ reports available for chair review
January 11 Degree candidate certification for May completers due to Registrar’s Office by 12 p.m.
January 15 Department/program tenure-track reappointment letters due
January 15 Department/program Senior Lecturer “10-year” reappointment letters due
January 20 Review Committee Chair uploads list of internal reviewers for Full Professor
January 24 Major/Minor Declarations for second semester sophomore: departments and programs begin review and approval process (due March 1)
Late Jan. Chair and ADC budget check-in with Academic Affairs
Early Feb. Completed Lab Instructor review materials sent to department chair/program director for department/program files.
February TBD 2024-2025 departmental budgets due to Dean for Academic Affairs
February 2 Fall course proposals and revisions, including first-year writing seminars, due to CIC (Chair approval required)
February 5 Last day for eligible students to submit Intended Major/Minor Declaration Form
February 15 Promotion to Senior Lecturer departmental review committee letter due in Interfolio with a copy provided to candidate
February 15 Fall course offering worksheets and scheduling grids available
Mid Feb. Faculty Office Space survey sent (due March 31)
Mid Feb. Academic Open House information sent from Admissions (due in March
February 19 Honors candidates due from departments and programs for May completers (requested on Feb. 12)
February 20 Department/program review letters for promotion to Full Professor due to be uploaded to Interfolio with a hard copy provided to candidate
Mid-Late Feb. CAP (Computer Allocation Process) Request approval
Feb. Off Campus study Bowdoin applications and course pre-approval forms due
March 1 Major/Minor Declarations: Approval deadline
March 5 Fall course offering worksheets and scheduling grids due from departments and programs (draft schedule from registrar for review will be sent on March 26)
Mid March Honors Day prize information requested (due April)
Mid March Upcoming Tenure reviews: review committee chairs meet with Dean to review tenure procedures memo for next year
March TBA Academic Open House RSVP due to Admissions
March TBA Catalogue review process begins for departments and programs and is (due later in March)
March 29 Advisor assignments due for newly declared majors/minors (Available in Polaris on the 19th)
March 31 Faculty Office Space survey due
Early April Honors Day prize information due
April 1-19 Student advising and registration Rounds 1 & 2; adjustments to course offerings if needed
Mid April Departmental Academic Data Profiles made available in Canvas
April 18-20 Bearings in Brunswick for Admitted Students (includes academic fair)
April 26 Diversity in Faculty Hiring and Mentoring (DIFHM) workshop for faculty searches
April TBA Staff performance feedback in conjunction with Associate Dean for Academic Administration
May 1 Department/program external reviewer list for tenure candidates due from review committee chair uploaded to Interfolio
May 3 Present awards at Honors day
May 17 Honors Projects- levels of department honors due from departments and programs by 12:00pm for May completers
May 20 Reading of department/program honors at May faculty meeting
May 21 Senior grades due by noon for May completers– help in tracking down faculty if necessary
May TBA Revise placement exams, placement contacts, and placement
May 28 Spring grades due for all other students – help in tracking down faculty if necessary
Late May Meet with pre-tenure faculty & notify Academic Affairs office of date of this meeting
May 31 Annual department/program reports due
June 1 Spring BCQ reports available for chair review
Mid June Annual Review of academic department coordinator (including budget review)
Mid June Discuss advisor distribution for faculty on sabbatic leave (new advisor assignments due after July 1 and before the first day of class)
Mid June Discuss advisor distribution for faculty on sabbatic leave (new advisor assignments due after July 1 and before the first day of class)
July 1 Re-assign advisors for faculty on sabbatic leave (Due by late August)
Early July Department/Program placement process in progress