Former Students

Bowdoin will mail bills monthly to graduates and former students of the college with an outstanding balance. Bills are sent to the last known address. 

Diplomas and transcripts may not be available to students or former students with past due accounts totaling $2,500 or more. Bowdoin reserves the right to require students and former students to enter into a repayment plan for past due amounts prior to the release of the diplomas and transcripts.  Bowdoin also reserves the right to request the reason for the request to release the diplomas and transcripts prior to the release of diplomas and transcripts.

Students lose access to QuikPay approximately six months after graduation.

If you no longer have access to QuikPay, please mail a check or money order to the address below: 

Bursar's Office 
Bowdoin College 
5420 College Station 
Brunswick, ME 04011-8445 

Statements are available by request. Please email or call (207) 725-3249.