The Role of AI in Epidemiology and Public Health Research

By Mia Schiff ‘25​
Applying knowledge in epidemiology and public health to recent and relevant innovations
Image of Columbia Mailman School of Public Health logo.

This summer I worked with the Aiello Research Group in Columbia University's Robert N. Butler Aging Center as an epidemiology research assistant. I worked mainly on a project called “AI-Powered Epidemiological Writing: Assessing ChatGPT's Ability to Draft a Scientific Paper.”

My responsibilities included conducting literature reviews, writing and utilizing tailored prompts for ChatGPT, devising a comprehensive set of criteria to critically evaluate the efficacy and validity of AI-generated content, writing sections of a research paper, monitoring scientific journals for new relevant research, and scheduling and running weekly team meetings. 

Throughout the summer I got to learn a lot about the fields of epidemiology and public health. As a biology and computer science major, I was able to learn about a possible career path that utilizes the skills learned in my major. My favorite part of the job was the welcoming people at Columbia and getting to work in my home city!

Internship funded by the Peter Buck Internship Fund.