Student Research

One of the Schiller Coastal Studies Center's most important missions is to support independent student research.

While scientific work takes place year-round at the Center, the summer is a particularly active season for faculty, post-doctoral scientists, and undergraduate students doing faculty-mentored research. Undergraduate summer research often leads to an academic-year honors thesis or independent project.   

Additionally, non-science majors are welcome to propose research projects related to coastal and marine topics from all disciplines, including interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the sea. 

Students interested in coastal and oceanographic research may apply for fellowships through Bowdoin's Office of Student Fellowships and Research.

Coastal Studies Research Fellowships

Bowdoin College has a number of grants that support marine science. 

The College’s Doherty Charitable Foundation Coastal Studies Research Fellowship and Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Coastal/Environmental Studies support a range of projects, including marine science, environmental research, climate issues, biodiversity, awater and air pollution, and natural resources of coastal Maine.

Additionally, student researchers can apply for financial support from national sources, including the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Institution.  

For more information on fellowship applications and deadlines (applications are available mid-January and due in early February), visit Student Fellowships and Research. Students should contact potential faculty advisors early in the application process.