Mr. Franco is the author of The Political Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott (Yale University Press, 1990), Hegel’s Philosophy of Freedom (Yale University Press, 1999), Michael Oakeshott: An Introduction(Yale University Press, 2004), Nietzsche’s Enlightenment: The Free-Spirit Trilogy of the Middle Period (University of Chicago Press, 2011), and Rouseau, Nietzche, and the Image of the Human (University of Chicago Press, 2021). He co-edited A Companion to Michael Oakeshott (Penn State, 2012), Philosophy, Politics, and the Conversation of Man (Colorado College, Colorado Springs, 2016), and most recently edited Leo Strauss on Hegel (University of Chicago Press, 2019). He has published articles and reviews in The American Political Science Review, Political Theory, The Journal of Politics, The Review of Politics, Political Studies, Ethics, and The Political Science Reviewer.
Paul Franco
Barry N. Wish Professor of Government and Social Studies
Mr. Franco is a Professor of Government with teaching responsibilities in the history of political philosophy and contemporary political theory. Before coming to Bowdoin, he taught at the University of Chicago as a William Rainey Harper Fellow.

- PhD, University of Chicago
- MSc, London School of Economics
- BA, Colorado College