Nelson, Ingrid A., Hannah J. Graham, and Natalie L. Rudin. 2023. "Saving Face While (Not) Talking About Race: How Undergraduates Inhabit Racialized Structures at an Elite and Predominantly White College." Social Problems 70(2):456-73.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2023. “The Transformative Experience of Out-of-School Time Programs.” Pp. 105-124 in The Heartbeat of the Youth Development Field: Professional Journeys of Growth, Connection, and Transformation, edited by G. Hall, J. Gallagher, and E. Starr. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2019. "Social Capital and Residential Decision Making Among Rural and Non-Rural College Graduates." Sociological Forum 34(4):926-49.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2019. “Starting Over on Campus or Sustaining Existing Ties? Social Capital During College Among Rural and Nonrural College Graduates.” Qualitative Sociology 42(1):93-116.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2017. “The Semi-Structured Life History Calendar Method for Qualitative Research.” In Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, edited by P. Liamputtong. Singapore: Springer.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2017. Why Afterschool Matters. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2016. “Rural Students’ Social Capital in the College Application Process.” Rural Sociology 81(2):249-81.
Nelson, Ingrid A., Rebecca A. London, and Karen Strobel. 2015. “Reinventing the Role of the University Researcher.” Educational Researcher 44(1):17-26.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2010. “From Quantitative to Qualitative: Adapting the Life History Calendar Method.” Field Methods 22(4):413-28.
Nelson, Ingrid A. 2009. “The Differential Role of Youth Development Program Participation for Latina/o Adolescents.” Afterschool Matters 8:20-33.
Nelson, Ingrid A. and Billie Gastic. 2009. “Street Ball, Swim Team and the Sour Cream Machine: A Cluster Analysis of Out of School Time Participation Portfolios.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 38(9):1172-86.
Strobel, Karen and Ingrid A. Nelson. 2007. “A Model for Fostering Youth Leadership: The Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning Program (YELL).” Youth Developments: Issues and Analyses in Youth Policy 1(2):1-8.
Strobel, Karen and Ingrid A. Nelson. 2007. Understanding Youth Leadership Development: An examination of the Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning Program (YELL). Stanford, CA: John W. Gardner Center.