Marion Brown Prize FAQ

Q: Is there a fee to apply?

A: No.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the age, nationality or location of applicants?

A: No.

Q: Should individuals apply only if they come from historically under-represented communities?

A: Yes, this is the specific goal of the prize.  The College is not specifying what constitutes an under-represented community.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the number or length of submitted works?

A: No.

Q: How will the submissions be judged?

A: Submissions will be judged primarily on their quality and appropriateness in configuration and difficulty for our ensembles.  They will not be judged anonymously; the CV of the applicant may influence selection.

Q: Does Bowdoin College arrange a visa for the selected composer?

A: No.  However, the College will help determine the feasibilty of the composer receiving the honorarium while here on a tourist visa.  We will also register the composer with an online service that helps negotiate the legal and financial considerations.

Q: Will the College cover the cost of travel from anywhere?

A: Maybe.  We hope to be able to cover the expenses of any composer selected, but if the trip is not feasible because of cost or other logistical matters, we will work out an alternate plan for the structure of the residency.

Q: I have less frequently asked questions.  Who should I ask?

A: Delmar Small, Administrator of the Bowdoin College Department of Music: