Update from the Presidential Search Committee—August 26, 2022

To members of the Bowdoin community:

We are pleased to write with an update on Bowdoin's presidential search process. Since President Rose informed the Board of Trustees that he will be stepping down at the end of the 22/23 academic year, much work has occurred. In May, the board of trustees selected a nineteen-member Presidential Search Committee with representation from the entire Bowdoin community. Since its formation, the committee has held listening sessions to solicit input from faculty, staff, students, parents, trustees, and alumni. These sessions, community surveys, and email nominations have been invaluable.

With the hopes and aspirations of the Bowdoin community at the forefront, we have produced a position specification for prospective candidates. This document describes Bowdoin’s unique opportunities and the leadership characteristics we aim to find in our next president. We share the position specification with you and potential candidates with a deep sense of optimism and an unwavering commitment to selecting a leader who all members of our community can be proud to welcome into the Bowdoin family.

While we are still in the early days of our search, the support we have received has been energizing. We cannot thank you enough.


Sydney Asbury '03 and Bertrand Garcia-Moreno '81, P'17
Cochairs, Presidential Search Committee