Bowdoin Volunteer Corps (BVC)

The Bowdoin Volunteer Corps (BVC) is an umbrella organization for Bowdoin student-led community service programs.


The BVC is made up of two dozen student-led organizations that address a wide range of community needs. Each group works closely with local agencies, placing Bowdoin students in volunteer positions that meet those needs. Find more information and the current student leaders on Campus Groups and contact them to learn about getting involved, or for general questions contact Sam Cogswell.

Updated August 2023

Student Leadership

Each group in the Bowdoin Volunteer Corps is initiated and led by students.  Generally, these leaders have previously been volunteers with the BVC group or community organization.  Advised by McKeen Center staff, group leaders take part in a leadership training at the beginning of the year to explore ways to more effectively run volunteer programs, manage student volunteers, and meet community needs. The McKeen Center staff also meet with organization leaders throughout the year to provide support in their work. 

Bowdoin Volunteer Corps Groups
BVC Group Location Map

Department-Led Programs

Several academic departments also lead school-based programs for students.