Dharni Vasudevan

Affiliation: Academic Affairs
Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Inclusion and Stanley F. Druckenmiller Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Studies
Primary Responsibilities
  • Mentoring and professional/leadership development for tenure-track, visiting, and tenured faculty, lab instructors, and department chairs
  • Faculty development workshops
  • Colby-Bates-Bowdoin chair development programs
  • Liaison to Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching (BCLT), Council of Mentors (CoM), Office of Inclusion and Diversity (OID), Self-Identified Faculty of Color and International Faculty (SIFoCIF), NCFDD, INBRE, Bowdoin Student Government
  • Committee on Teaching and Classroom Practice (ex-officio), Trustee Committee on Inclusion (faculty representative)
  • New Faculty Orientation
  • Faculty Writing Sessions
  • Faculty Staff Affinity Groups (Colby-Bates-Bowdoin)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives

To contact Dharni: 

Please email dvasudev@bowdoin.edu or call 207-725-3548

To meet with Dharni at HL 310 or via Zoom:

On M 3-4:10 PM; T 4:20-4:50 PM; W 10:40-11:50 AM; R 3-4:10 PM; F 1:00-2:10 PM, you may schedule a time via the Bookings Portal.  To meet at other times, please contact Claire Jaques Bogan (cjaquesb@bowdoin.edu) to schedule a mutually convenient time.