Getting to Class, With Moments to Spare

By Rebecca Goldfine and Juli Haugen
Students are getting around campus faster than ever.

There seem to be more scooters on campus these days—both the old-fashioned kind you push with your foot, and the electric kind that require a bit less of its rider. There also appears to be a growing number of skateboards. These come in all lengths: long, short, and penny.

Scooters and skateboards—and an occasional unicycle, tandem bike, or pair of roller skates (all have been spotted at some point over the last year)—join the traditional legion of bicycles (squeaky and non-squeaky) that race across campus from class to class/dorm/lunch/sports practice/etc. 

"The scooter trend started a couple of years ago," Kathryn McGinnis ’21 said, "and now it's really picking up."

Siena Wiedmann ’20 said she started getting around on her Razor scooter when she was a first year, back before it became super popular. "People call me Scooter Girl," she said.

But there are a few who will always plod right past these trends. Committed walker Lucy Ryan ’19 said, "It makes me really conscious of getting to places on time, because if I rely on my bike, I'm always late." (Her bike also broke after too many people tried to pile on it at the same time.) "Now I get to class with thirty seconds to spare!" she added.