Published April 17, 2018 by Doug Cook

Bowdoin Legal Studies Instructor Isaacson ’70 to Argue Second Supreme Court Case

For the second time in his law career, George Isaacson ‘70, an adjunct faculty member in the Government and Legal Studies department, is preparing to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court. 
George Isaacson ’70 on CBS 13
George Isaacson ’70 on CBS 13 in advance of presenting arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court. (Image: WGME/CBS 13)

Justices are set to hear arguments Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Isaacson is representing three national Internet retailers that sell their products worldwide, in what some state tax experts are calling one of the most significant state tax cases in the last 25 years.

The case involves the question of whether Internet retailers should be required to collect state sales taxes. Isaacson is representing three large retailers — Wayfair, Inc.,, and Newegg.

Read more about it in the Sun Journal.