Published October 31, 2017 by Bowdoin

Bowdoin Among Thousands in Maine Without Electricity

Students in Thorne Hall take advantage of generator power Monday to stay online (photo by Michele Stapleton)
Students in Thorne Hall take advantage of generator power Monday to stay online (photo by Michele Stapleton)

The Bowdoin campus was without power Tuesday morning as utility crews worked to restore electricity to roughly 484,000 Mainers. As reported in the Portland Press Herald, a spokesperson for Central Maine Power Company (CMP) said high winds and rain late Sunday night into Monday morning caused the largest number of outages in the company’s history, surpassing the previous record caused by an ice storm in 1998. Campus generators are providing power in essential areas, including at Thorne Hall, where students have gathered by the hundreds to eat and connect to the internet. Dining service, safety and security, and facilities staff are working around the clock to provide essential services, with updates being sent to members of the campus community via text and email messages. The College is also providing updates in the “announcements” section on the home page of the Bowdoin website. Meanwhile, crews have been busy removing a number of downed trees on campus. CMP expects power to be restored to campus sometime Tuesday.

Downed tree on the Bowdoin Quad (photo by Michele Stapleton)