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Bowdoin College Celebrates 219th Commencement

Graduating seniors, most of whom started at Bowdoin during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, were joined by friends and family as the College conferred 475 bachelor of arts degrees on the Class of 2024. The 219th Commencement was held on the steps of the Walker Art Building on the morning of Saturday, May 25, 2024.

  • A Celebration of Polar Bears!

    Reunion Weekend 2024
    Reunion Weekend 2024 in Pictures

    Amid stunning weather and against the backdrop of a campus that never looked more beautiful, Reunion Weekend was, by all accounts, a huge success. Polar Bears from “the four and nine years” celebrated their milestones while catching up at the lobster bakes and other meals; talks, including a conversation around Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich ’14’s ongoing detainment in Russia and how AI is used across the curriculum; multicultural alumni receptions for the Association of Bowdoin Latinx Alumni (ABLA), Bowdoin College Black Alumni Association (BCBAA), and Bowdoin Asian Alumni Association, also known as RepresentAsian; and other gatherings.

  • The Humanities

    a stack of books in an English classroom
    The High Value of Low-Tech Classes

    What does it mean in today’s world to put aside your iPads, phones, and laptops and enter a classroom to just talk and listen, especially about books, essays, or other texts you and your classmates are reading?

  • Senior Leadership

    Jim Hoppe
    Jim Hoppe Named Senior Vice President and Dean for Student Affairs

    Bowdoin has appointed Jim Hoppe the College’s next senior vice president and dean for student affairs. “His impressive track record of advocating for students and providing resources in the areas of inclusion, community building, and discourse, and his dedication to the field of student mental health and well-being, align so well with our culture, values, and mission, and I am delighted to welcome him to Bowdoin," said President Safa Zaki

  • Applied Mathematics

    Evelyn Wallace and Chris Chong, headshots
    Journal Highlights Math Research by Professor and Student

    The journal Physical Review Research in its April issue tagged a paper by Associate Professor of Mathematics Chris Chong and Evelyn Wallace ’22 as an "editor's suggestion" and featured it on its homepage.

  • Ticked Off

    Evan Gershkovich counter in Smith Union
    Counting on Justice for Evan Gershkovich ’14

    The plight of jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich ’14 is never far from the thoughts of many on campus, and it’s now front and center for those who pass through Smith Union.

  • A Place to Sit and Reflect

    Rose campus bench
    New Campus Bench Honors President Clayton Rose

    A circular outdoor bench was installed on campus recently in honor of Bowdoin’s fifteenth president, Clayton Rose, who stepped down last year. The item is a gift from faculty in recognition of Rose’s excellent stewardship in leading the College through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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