Diversity and Identity

Identity Beyond Bowdoin

How do other countries consider issues of diversity, identity, inclusion and equity within their own cultural framework? How do I leverage the skills I’ve already built in adjusting to new environments to the study abroad context? In what ways does gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, and other social identities influence your time abroad? How accessible are foreign countries to differently abled individuals? What will it be like to explain your goal to study off-campus to your parents when you are a first-generation college student? How will economic class and privilege play into the way in which I navigate my study off-campus experience?

Navigating social identities while studying abroad can be simultaneously challenging and incredibly meaningful, providing opportunities for cultural exchange and learning. One of our office’s guiding principles is that students should feel supported while considering and participating in off-campus opportunities as it relates to individual identity. Diversity, identity, and inclusion likely play a role in how you experience Bowdoin. Likewise, these issues will also impact how you navigate and experience off-campus study in new and different. Understanding local cultural norms considering questions about how diversity and identity are addressed in new contexts can be a significant part of your off-campus experience.

Student working
A student dying batik with her tutors in Indonesia (at an university.)