All commands are preceded by the $ sign. You must enter the commands in a terminal without typing the $ sign. Assumptions: ======================== 1. You are using Mac OSX Yosemite (10.10.x) or later, or Windows. 2. (a) Mac users: it is necessary that you have the updated command line tools installed for Xcode. You can check by entering the following command (note the two dashes in --install): $ xcode-select --install You'll see a dialog box. Choose "Get Xcode" and update/install Xcode from the App Store. 2. (b) Mac users: download and install an appropriate version of "command line tools" for Xcode from the following website (for me it was Command Line Tools for OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) and XCode 7.1; versions will be different for later OSX): (Note: Previously, command line tools had to be installed separately, but the newer versions of Xcode is bundled with command line tools. There's a lot of confusion regarding this on third-party websites and blogs. Here's an authentic resource: However, I *highly recommend* installing command line tools separately from To verify that command line tools are installed, enter the following command, which will show the version of gcc in the success scenario. $ gcc --version 3. For Mac users, you have homebrew installed. To check whether you have it installed, enter the following command: $ brew If homebrew is not installed, install it by entering the following command: $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" (The above command uses an older version of Ruby, which comes built-in with Mac. The next step will install an updated version of Ruby.) 4. You are logged in with admin privilege. Install Ruby: ======================== Mac: Install RVM from or enter this command (it will ask for your password a few times): $ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby * Follow the instruction given when the above command is completed. E.g., I had to run the command "source /Users/mirfan/.rvm/scripts/rvm" (without the quotes). To test, commands are: $ ruby –v $ rvm –v If you get errors, you might not have followed the instruction shown in the terminal when the above \curl -sSL ... command finished running. Still having error an error with rvm -v? Run the following commands (assuming 2.2.1 is the latest version—look up rvm website for it; also assuming you have homebrew pre-installed) $ brew update && brew upgrade $ rvm reinstall 2.2.1 --disable-binary Windows: 1. Install Ruby 2.x from 2. Then install the Ruby Development Kit: 2a. Download an appropriate version from and extract it 2b. Follow installation instructions: (The instructions basically tell you to execute these two commands from the appropriate directory (use cd to change directories): $ ruby dk.rb init $ ruby dk.rb install ) Install Ruby's Gem Packaging System (for both Mac and Windows): =============================================================================== 1. Get the zip file from Extract it Go (cd) into the extracted folder where you can see the "setup.rb" file Execute this command: $ ruby setup.rb 2. Update gem. For this, execute this command: $ gem update --system Install Ruby on Rails: ============================ Step 1 is for Windows only (for Mac, you already have SQLite pre-installed) 1. (Windows only) First, install SQLite DBMS: Extract the contents of the zip file "" from into Ruby's bin folder. For example, I've copied the DLL and the DEF files into my Ruby's bin folder, which is "C:\Ruby200-x64\bin". If later on you get an error message, build sqlite from the source and do the installation following the 9 steps from "". (Note that you may omit Step 1, as you've already installed Ruby development kit.) 2. (Mac) Command: $ gem install sqlite3 (Windows) Run the following command (directory names might be different): $ gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby -- --with-sqlite3-include=c:\Ruby200-x64\sqlite3\include --with-sqlite3-lib=c:\Ruby200-x64\sqlite3\lib --with-sqlite3-dir=c:\Ruby200-x64\sqlite3\bin (Note: previously, sqlite3 was named sqlite3-ruby) 3. (Both Windows and Mac) Command: $ gem install rails To test rails installation, enter this command: $ rails -v Install Other Ruby Gems: =========================== $ gem install twitter $ gem install mail Install Aptana Studio (IDE) ============================== Aptana Studio: (For Mac) If you cannot start Aptana due to a Java error, you'll need to install an earlier version of Java from here: Many software on OSX Yosemite are not compatible with the newer version of Java. Install the Haskell Platform ================================== Install Prolog (if covered in class) ======================================= Prolog: