Assignment 6: Building a kd-tree

In this assignment the goal is to build and visualize a kd-tree for a set of points in the plane. To manage complexity we'll split it in three parts:
  1. Part 1: build the kd-tree.
  2. Part 2: render/visualize the kd-tree.
  3. Part 3: make it look like a Mondrian painting.

Part 1: Building the kd-tree

First you will need to define a data structure to encode a kd-tree such as below --- feel free to refine as needed.

typedef struct _treeNode treeNode;

struct _treeNode {
     point2D p; /* If this is a leaf node,  p represents the point stored in this leaf. 
                  If this is not a leaf node,  p represents the horizontal or vertical line
                  stored in this node. For a vertical line, p.y is
                  ignored. For a horizontal line, p.x is ignored
     char type; / * this can be 'h' (horizontal) or 'v' (vertical), or 'l' (leaf)
                    depending whether the node splits with a horizontal line or  vertical line.
                    Technically this should be an enum.
     treeNode  *left, *right; /* left/below and right/above children. */

typedef struct _kdtree{
   treeNode* root; 

   int count; //number of nodes  in the tree

   int height; //height of tree
} kdtree; 

You'll need to write the basic primitives for operating on a treeNode and on a kdtree, such as creating a node and creating an empty tree, printing a node, and printing a tree.

For example, include a function that prints some basic info about the kd-tree, such as number of nodes, and height. Call this function in the main functin so that we can see its output.

void kdtree_print(kdtree* t);
The main function that you will write for Part 1 is building a kd-tree from a set of points. You will write a function to build and return a kd-tree as follows:
/* Build a kd-tree for the set of n points, where each leaf cell
   contains  1 point. 
   Return a pointer to the root.
treeNode*  kdtree_build(point2D* points, int n)
The function takes as input the set of points and returns the kd-tree. Testing: It goes without saying that you need to throroughly test your code. Testing is a crucial step in the code development cycle. The goal of testing is to find bugs. Try to break your code. Once you find a bug, try to reproduce it on the smallest possible input ---- it's no fun debugging on an input of half a million points.

To test your kd-tree, run it on sets of random points with values of n ranging from 1,2,3,4,5, 1000000. For each value of n press the space bar to get a different set of random points. For small values of n you'll want to start by printing the entire tree. Once your code works for small n, you'll probably want to switch to just printing the info of the kd-tree (number of nodes and height). Write a few different functions for initialization (in addition to initialize_points_random()), for example

//initializes array points with n points on a horizontal line 
void initialize_points_case1() {

//initializes array points with n points on a vertical line 
void initialize_points_case2() {

//initializes array points with 3 points as in the example above
//that may trigger infinite recursion
void initialize_points_case3() {

Part 2: Rendering the kd-tree

Write a function that renders the kd-tree in OpenGL. Use the code for the previous assignments. The OpenGL part is pretty easy --- basically
//for each node in the tree in some order {

      //identify the endpoints p1 and p2 of the line segment that you
      //need to draw
The harder part in the rendering is identifying the endpoints of the line segment for that node. Note that the line x=x1through the root is infinite in the y-direction. The lines in the nodes left and right of the root are infinite on one side, and bounded by x=x1 on the other side. And so on. The region corresponding to a node (and thus the endpoints of the segments that will split it) can be computed based on the ancestors of the node in the tree.

The input points are generated in the range [0,WINDOWSIZE] x [0, WINDOWSIZE]. Thus a value of infinity in x or y direction should be set to WINDOWSIZE.

Part 3:

Render your kd-tree so that it looks similar to a Mondran painting:

Ideally, you would develop this code from scratch. I have placed some startup code in the usual place: Code. You do not need to use this code. Use as much or as little as you want.

How to turn in: Please use the svn folder provided for the class! If you would like to change partners, just come talk to me or send me an email, and we'll create new svn folders for you.

The usual comments:

Always code assuming you'll have to debug. Think and structure your code incrementally so that it is easy to debug it. Test one piece before you move on to the next one. Keep in mind that pointer errors do not always manifest, and soemtimes they manifest in different ways on different computers.

And finally, if your code has bugs, you need to make it to the study group and talk to Max (the TA). He may not be able to tell you exactly what is wrong, but going over your code with someone else may show you what's wrong. I've been in many situatiosn where someone would walk me through their code, only to find out the problem as they were explaining how it works.
