____________________________________________________________ Breakout lab grading scheme ____________________________________________________________ OBTAINED: ******************** Functionality: 50 ******************** 5 - paddle moves correctly 5 - balls detects intersection with paddle correctly 5 - balls detects intersections with court correctly 15 - ball detects intersection with bricks correctly 10 - good interface for the user to play the game 10 - the intersection between a Row and the ball is detected *efficiently*, as required. Going through all the the bricks in a row, one by one, gets no points for efficiency. Going through the bricks and stopping early (that is, when teh position of the brick is past the ball), is good but not perfect. Binary search is very good. Leaving Holes in the Row and determining the brick in constant time is also very goo. ******************** Program structure: 20 ******************** 5 - program has 5 classes, as required: main class, Paddle, Ball, Brick, Row 5 - use iterators to traverse the Vectors, instead of for loops 10 - collision engine in main class ******************** Style: 30 ******************** 5 -header 10 -comments 5 -use constants 10 -easy to read and understand and verify overall correctness of the underlying logic Extensions: (extra credit)