/* SolveMissCann.java Author: Laura Toma Description: This is the skeleton for the solution to the missionaries and cannibals problem. The idea is to generate all possible next moves from a current state and keep track of all states generated so far using a queue. Initially the queue contains the initial state. The search dequeues the first state from the queue, generates all possible moves state, and adds the resulting legal states to the end of the queue. The search stops when hitting a state that is "final". Comments: Note we do not ever check to see if we encountered a state before. So we can generate loops and possibly an infinite search. Why does this work? What happens if we use a stack instead of a queue? */ import java.util.LinkedList; public class SolveMissCan_solution { public SolveMissCan_solution () { //create queue that will be used for search LinkedList stateQueue = new LinkedList(); //initial state of the world QueueNode current = new QueueNode(3, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, "Start state "); //put initial state in the queue stateQueue.add(current); while (!stateQueue.isEmpty()) { //get current state current = stateQueue.removeFirst(); //exit the loop, we found the solution if (current.isDone()) break; //otherwise, keep testing: generate all possible moves //from the current state, and add the ones that are legal //to the queue //this is the current state int boatSide=current.getBoatSide(); int cost=current.getCost(); String path = current.getPath(); int c1=current.getCannibals1(); int c2=current.getCannibals2(); int m1=current.getMissionaries1(); int m2=current.getMissionaries2(); QueueNode ns1, ns2, ns3, ns4, ns5; if(boatSide==1) { boatSide=2; //move 2C ns1=new QueueNode(c1-2,c2+2,m1,m2,boatSide, cost+1, path+"Move 2C from Side 1 to Side 2\n"); //move 1C 1M ns2=new QueueNode(c1-1,c2+1,m1-1,m2+1,boatSide,cost+1, path+"Move 1C,1M from Side 1 to Side 2\n"); //move 2M ns3=new QueueNode(c1,c2,m1-2,m2+2,boatSide,cost+1, path + "Move 2M from Side 1 to Side 2\n"); //move 1C ns4=new QueueNode(c1-1,c2+1,m1,m2,boatSide,cost+1, path+"Move 1C from Side 1 to Side 2\n"); //move 1M ns5=new QueueNode(c1,c2,m1-1,m2+1,boatSide,cost+1, path+"Move 1M from Side 1 to Side 2\n"); } else { boatSide=1; //move 2C ns1=new QueueNode(c1+2,c2-2,m1,m2,boatSide, cost+1, path+"Move 2C from Side 2 to Side 1\n"); //move 1C 1M ns2=new QueueNode(c1+1,c2-1,m1+1,m2-1,boatSide,cost+1, path+"Move 1C,1M from Side 2 to Side 1\n"); //move 2M ns3=new QueueNode(c1,c2,m1+2,m2-2,boatSide,cost+1, path + "Move 2M from Side 2 to Side 1\n"); //move 1C ns4=new QueueNode(c1+1,c2-1,m1,m2,boatSide,cost+1, path+"Move 1C from Side 2 to Side 1\n"); //move 1M ns5=new QueueNode(c1,c2,m1+1,m2-1,boatSide,cost+1, path+"Move 1M from Side 2 to Side 1\n"); } if(ns1.isLegal()) stateQueue.add(ns1); if(ns2.isLegal()) stateQueue.add(ns2); if(ns3.isLegal()) stateQueue.add(ns3); if(ns4.isLegal()) stateQueue.add(ns4); if(ns5.isLegal()) stateQueue.add(ns5); } //while queue is not empty //if you are here, either queue is empty or current is final if (current.isDone()) { System.out.println("Got the solution!"); System.out.println(current.getPath()); System.out.println(current.printNode()); } else { System.out.println("No solution!"); } } // Main entry point static public void main(String[] args) { new SolveMissCan_solution(); } }