/* This is the skeleton of the program that helps Alladin get rich. Assumptions made by the program: Alladin is in the treasure cave. Laura Toma csci 107 */ public class Alladin { public static void main (String args[]) { //variables to store values; units are in thousands int DIAMOND_VALUE = 50; int SAPPHIRE_VALUE = 15; int RUBY_VALUE = 6; int PEARL_VALUE = 1; //variables to store WEIGHTS; units are in grams int DIAMOND_WEIGHT = 25; int SAPPHIRE_WEIGHT = 10; int RUBY_WEIGHT = 5; int PEARL_WEIGHT = 1; //variable to read from user ReadStream r = new ReadStream(); //declare more variables //... //print welcome message //... //read the weight of the backpack from user //... //find out optimal numbers of each stone //... //print out results to Alladin //... } //end of main } // end of class