Computer Science 210 Lab 7
Due: October 25

More Scheduling For this lab we will continue to incrementally work on our scheduler. In labs 3 and 4 you read in student and course information. In this lab you will use that information to refine your data structures slightly. Once you have read in course information that information should be useful when you read in student's choices. For this lab you are to improve your student data structure by preventing entries which correspond to courses which are not offered. As you read in a student's choices, you should check each choice and make sure it is offered, if it is then it is added to the student's data structure, if it is not then it should be ignored with respect to the student. In the meantime keep track of the courses that were asked for but not offered. After reading in all of the student information you should print an alphabetical list of courses that were asked for but not offered along with how many students requested each of the courses.

What to hand in Hand in a hard copy of your code and output (putting your code in the drop box as usual).