CS 210 - Lab 10: Finishing the Student Registration Process
Due December 6, 2000

Please note due date!


Your program will have three major input files; the class schedule, the students' registration cards, and a file listing time slots and conflicts. The output of the program would, in practice, have three major parts; class lists (which are distributed to instructors), student schedules (which are distributed to students), and printed statistics which summarize the results of the scheduling process. For the purposes of this exercise, we will skip the generation of class lists and student schedules, focussing instead on the registering of students in courses and the generation of enrollment statistics, as explained below. Obviously a great deal of this information is repeated from earlier labs.

In solving this problem, it is important to think about the basic algorithm for determining how courses are selected for a student. That is, each course listed in the student_choices Vector must be searched in a data structure that contains the information about all courses (as we've done in seemingly countless labs already!). Once that course is found (assuming it exists), two additional criteria must be met before that student can be enrolled in that class:

  1. That course must not be full to capacity (that is, the field enrollment, which keeps track of the number of students already enrolled in that course, must be updated each time a new student is added to the course), and
  2. That course's meeting time must not be in conflict with the meeting time of any course in which the student is already enrolled.
The first criterion is easy to check. The second criterion can be checked by keeping a structure of all the possible meeting times, and along with each one a structure of all times that are in conflict with that time. Below is a partial list of these meeting times and their respective conflicting times; their interpretation should be self-explanatory.

A complete list of all class meeting times alongside all conflicting times, is given in the file conflicts.data. Below is a list of the first few lines in that file. Here, the first line says that the time MWF8 conflicts with the time M-F8, while the third line says that MWF9 conflicts with each of the three times MW915, MW9, and MW930.

Finally, the program should produce an output that has the information shown below.

In addition to the summary enrollment data for each course, the program should keep track of and display additional "Summary Statistics" and "Run Time Statistics."

The summary statistics reveal how many students did and did not get their desired number of courses, the number of times students were rejected from courses for time conflicts, and the number of times students were rejected from courses because the course was full.

The run time statistics reveal how much time it took to run the two major parts of your program, the loading of the class data structure and the registering of students. These numbers, of course, will vary depending on your choice of data structure and search strategy for registering students.

Scheduling Algorithm

Essentially you will make successive passes on the students. Starting with the seniors and working towards the first-years, to register a student for a course you look at the student's next choice, check if the course is full, then check if the course conflicts with a course they are already registered for. If the course is ok, the student gets it. Remember, a student shouldn't get more courses than they ask for. On each pass register each student for one course (assuming they still have courses left to register for).

Major Lab Tasks

The work for this lab can be divided into several major tasks.
  1. Design classes for students, courses, and conflicts. These should all be straightforward (and two are basically done already). There should be variables to store the relevant data for each structure, and access methods for setting and retrieving data. Ultimately, you will include each of these in a larger data structure (e.g. a Vector of students, etc.).
  2. Design methods to read in all of the files.
  3. Design efficient data structures for storage, and flush out the overall structure of the program.
  4. Inclusion of appropriate variables and calls to track the run time statistics for the two major parts of the program.
  5. Determining, for a given student and course, whether that course's time is in conflict with any other courses which the student has been assigned so far.
  6. Registering a single student with the number of courses he/she desires.
  7. Keeping track of the appropriate summary statistics
  8. Displaying the registration results, summary statistics, and run time statistics after all the student cards have been processed.
Hand In: a complete, correctly-running, and well-documented Java program for this problem along with output. Include a discussion of your choice of data structures. Your grade will depend significantly on several factors: most notably correctness and readability. What Not to Do: Discuss the program with any other class member. Any collaboration beyond the level of fixing a syntax error will be considered cheating on this project. However: You will be given class time to work on this in addition to lab time.