David N. israel: Google Earth Pages

How to do the Math with Google Earth Palette Icons

UPDATE: 3/2/2006:
it turns out that the Google earth implementation for the macintosh is actually the problem - not my being expected to be a math genius.

After some fiddling aroung (streching, etc.) with the window for editing the placemark icon, you can get the "chooser" to show up in next to the "Name" field the way it does for the PC.

After some fillding with the window for editing the placemartk icon, you can get teh "chooser" to show up the way it does for the PC

As you can see, the selection can be made in the upper right, while the palette itself is chosen in the same spot below.

If you look at the screenshot of the same window at the bottom of this page, you can see where only part of the word "Custom" shows up, and the image does not at all (i.e. I am not a complete dope).

I am sure they will get it fixed by the next rev.....


How to do the Math with Google Earth Palette Icons to select the right one.


Trying to create your own custom Google Earth map and getting a headache?

For those of us who are not math whizzes, i have marked up palette-4.png into a grid with the numbering on it.

From here you can extrapolate how it is done on the others.

How to do the Math with Google Earth Pallete Icons to select the right one.


These are the icon palate PNGs that are in the program:






And this is where you make the adjustment:

And this is where you make the adjustment:  in the google earth software


they are, of course © google earth
goggle earth


Google Earth Templates for a College Campus »

Google Earth Movie: Buildings on the Bowdoin College Campus »

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