Access: Doorway view is always available.
Directions: From Dudley Coe, head due west in the direction of the Chapel. The north face of Appleton Hall is just beyond the parking spaces.
GIS: 43° 54‘ 28.85“ N --- 69° 57‘ 43.54“ W

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Appleton Hall (North End)

Chamber of Horrors!

In 1897 during renovations to Appleton Hall, some Delta Kappa Epsilon relics were found in the basement. The New York Evening Post ran a sensational front-page story about the find on July 24th: "Chamber of Horrors Found Under a Dormitory at Bowdoin College!" The article alleged that instruments of torture and human bones were among the finds. The Post eventually printed a retraction, but was this really a mistake or was something hushed up?


The New York Evening Post headline and illustration