Education Goals and Priorities
Owen Astrachan, Duke University

Education at the college and university level is undergoing severe change. Fiscal constraints and priorities are changing the climate and curriculum. Students are increasingly concerned with training when we are concerned with education. Changes in the funding environment will force departments and universities to turn towards developing industrial affiliations.

Computer Science is situated in this upheaval, while at the same time undergoing its own crisis. Is our discipline beholden to rapid changes in technology? Are our curricula based on outdated assumptions and criteria of what computer science is and what a computer science education should entail? Can we develop symbiotic industrial relationships without sacrificing academic integrity? Can we cope with an increasing need for interdisciplinary collaborations, both professionally and pedagogically?

By and large, students in our courses will not become computer scientists just as most students taking economics courses will not become economists and most students enrolled in mathematics courses will not become mathematicians. We must develop a core curriculum that serves computer scientists well, but that offers students with expertise in other disciplines the opportunity to either formally minor in computer science or to integrate the core of computer science into their major discipline. The time is ripe for this, we must not squander the opportunity that the Internet and the World-Wide-Web have provided for computer science by increasing both visibility and demand for those trained in our discipline.


We must do more than make dramatic statements. From an educational perspective, our discipline is fragmented; battles rage on several fronts including language, breadth, accreditation. Ph.D.-granting institutions have different resources and curricula than liberal arts schools. Departments housed in Engineering schools emphasize different aspects of our field than do departments housed in schools of Arts and Science.

Many of our peers look to the ACM, IEEE, and others for guidance only to find signposts leading to a maze of twisty passages, all of which look alike. Somehow we as computer science educators must find a way to pull together, towards some common priorities and objectives, rather than each (group) of us pulling in our favorite direction.
