import java.util.*; public class ConcreteSyntax { // Recursive descent parser that inputs a Jay program and // generates its abstract syntax. Each method corresponds to // a concrete syntax grammar rule, which appears as a comment // at the beginning of the method. Token token; // current token from the input stream TokenStream input; public ConcreteSyntax(TokenStream ts) { // Open the Jay source program input = ts; // as a TokenStream, and token = input.nextToken(); // retrieve its first Token } private void match (String s) { if (token.value.equals(s)) token = input.nextToken(); else SyntaxError(s); } public Program program() { // Program --> void main ( ) '{' Declarations Statements '}' String[] header = {"void", "main", "(", ")"}; Program p = new Program(); for (int i=0; i { Declaration }* Declarations ds = new Declarations (); while (token.value.equals("int") || token.value.equals("boolean")) { declaration(ds); } return ds; } private void declaration (Declarations ds) { // Declaration --> Type Identifiers ; Type t = type(); identifiers(ds, t); match(";"); } private Type type () { // Type --> int | boolean Type t = null; if (token.value.equals("int")) t = new Type(token.value); else if (token.value.equals("boolean")) t = new Type(token.value); else SyntaxError("int | boolean"); token = input.nextToken(); // pass over the type return t; } private void identifiers (Declarations ds, Type t) { // Identifiers --> Identifier { , Identifier }* Declaration d = new Declaration (); // first declaration d.t = t; // its type if (token.type.equals("Identifier")) { d.v = new Variable(); = token.value; // its value ds.addElement(d); token = input.nextToken(); while (token.value.equals(",")) { d = new Declaration (); // next declaration d.t = t; // its type token = input.nextToken(); if (token.type.equals("Identifier")) { d.v = new Variable(); // its value = token.value; ds.addElement(d); token = input.nextToken(); // get "," or ";" } else SyntaxError("Identifier"); } } else SyntaxError("Identifier"); } private Statement statement() { // Statement --> ; | Block | Assignment | IfStatement | WhileStatement Statement s = new Skip(); if (token.value.equals(";")) { // Skip token = input.nextToken(); return s; } else if (token.value.equals("{")) { // Block token = input.nextToken(); s = statements(); match("}"); } else if (token.value.equals("if")) // IfStatement s = ifStatement(); else if (token.value.equals("while")) // WhileStatement s = whileStatement(); else if (token.type.equals("Identifier")) // Assignment s = assignment(); else SyntaxError("Statement"); return s; } private Block statements () { // Block --> '{' Statements '}' Block b = new Block(); ... return b; } private Assignment assignment () { // Assignment --> Identifier = Expression ; Assignment a = new Assignment(); if (token.type.equals("Identifier")) { = new Variable(); = token.value; token = input.nextToken(); match("="); a.source = expression(); match(";"); } else SyntaxError("Identifier"); return a; } private Expression expression () { // Expression --> Conjunction { || Conjunction }* Binary b; Expression e; e = conjunction(); while (token.value.equals("||")) { b = new Binary(); b.term1 = e; b.op = new Operator(token.value); token = input.nextToken(); b.term2 = conjunction(); e = b; } return e; } private Expression conjunction () { // Conjunction --> Relation { && Relation }* Binary b; Expression e; ... return e; } private Expression relation () { // Relation --> Addition [ < | <= | > | >= | == | != ] Addition }* Binary b; Expression e; ... return e; } private Expression addition () { // Addition --> Term { [ + | - ] Term }* Binary b; Expression e; e = term(); while (token.value.equals("+") || token.value.equals("-")) { b = new Binary(); b.term1 = e; b.op = new Operator(token.value); token = input.nextToken(); b.term2 = term(); e = b; } return e; } private Expression term () { // Term --> Negation { [ '*' | / ] Negation }* Binary b; Expression e; ... return e; } private Expression negation() { // Negation --> { ! }opt Factor Unary u; if (token.value.equals("!")) { u = new Unary(); u.op = new Operator(token.value); token = input.nextToken(); u.term = factor(); return u; } else return factor(); } private Expression factor () { // Factor --> Identifier | Literal | ( Expression ) Expression e = null; ... return e; } private Conditional ifStatement () { // IfStatement --> if ( Expression ) Statement { else Statement }opt Conditional c = new Conditional(); ... return c; } private Loop whileStatement () { // WhileStatement --> while ( Expression ) Statement Loop l = new Loop(); ... return l; } private boolean isInteger(String s) { boolean result = true; for (int i=0; i s.charAt(i) || '9' < s.charAt(i)) result = false; return result; } private void SyntaxError(String tok) { System.out.println("Syntax error: expecting: " + tok + "; saw: " + token.type + " = " + token.value); System.exit(0); } }