%%%  TALK Program, adapted from Pereira & Shieber (1987).

:- op(500,xfy,'&').
:- op(510,xfy,'=>').
:- op(100,fx,'`').

run :- 
        write('>> '),           % prompt the user
        read_sent(Words),       % read a sentence
        talk(Words, Reply),     % process it with TALK
        print_reply(Reply),     % generate a reply
        run.                    % pocess more sentences

%%% talk(Sentence, Reply)
%%%     Sentence ==> sentence to form a reply to
%%%     Reply    <== appropriate reply to the sentence

talk(Sentence, Reply) :-                     % parse the sentence
         parse(Sentence, LF, Type),
       % convert the FOL logical form into a Horn 
       % clause, if possible
         clausify(LF, Clause, FreeVars), !,
       % concoct a reply, based on the clause and 
       % whether sentence was a query or assertion
         reply(Type, FreeVars, Clause, Reply).

% No parse was found; sentence is too difficult for the grammar
% or the lexicon.
talk(_Sentence, error('too difficult')).

%%% parse(sentence, LF, Type)
%%% Sentence    ==> sentence to parse 
%%%     LF      <== logical form (in FOL) of sentence 
%%%     Type    <== type of Sentence 
%%%             (query or assertion)

% Parsing an assertion: a finite sentence without gaps.
parse(Sentence, LF, assertion) :- s(LF, nogap, Sentence, []).

% Parsing a query: a question.
parse(Sentence, LF, query) :- q(LF, Sentence, []).

/* Nonterminal names:
   q       Question             
   sinv    INVerted Sentence                    
   s       noninverted Sentence
   np      Noun Phrase
   vp      Verb Phrase          
   iv      Intransitive Verb            
   tv      Transitive Verb      
   aux     AUXiliary verb       
   rov     subject_Object Raising Verb
   optrel  OPTional RELative clause
   relpron RELative PRONoun 
   whpron  WH PRONoun   
   det     DETerminer   
   n       Noun                                 
   pn      Proper Noun

  Typical order of and values for arguments:

  1.    verb form:      
     (main verbs) finite, nonfinite, etc.
     (auxiliaries and raising verbs) Form1-Form2 
         where Forml is form of embedded VP     
               Form2 is form of verb itself     
  2.    FOL   logical form
  3.    gap   information:
              nogap or gap(Nonterm, Var)
                 where Nonterm is nonterminal for gap 
                 Var is the LF variable that
                     the filler will bind               

%%% Declarative Sentences       

s(S, GapInfo)   --> np(VP^S, nogap), vp(finite, VP, GapInfo).

%%% Inverted Sentences  

sinv(S, GapInfo) --> aux(finite/Form, VP1^VP2), 
                     np(VP2^S, nogap), vp(Form, VP1, GapInfo).

%%%     Questions               

q(S => `answer(X))   --> whpron, vp(finite, X^S, nogap).
q(S => `answer(X))   --> whpron, sinv(S, gap(np, X)).
q(S => `answer(yes)) --> sinv(S, nogap).
q(S => `answer(yes)) --> [is],  np((X^S0)^S, nogap),
                  np((X^true)^exists(X,S0&true), nogap).

%%% Noun Phrases                

np(NP, nogap) --> det(N2^NP), n(N1), optrel(N1^N2).
np(NP, nogap) --> pn(NP).       
np((X^S)^S, gap(np, X)) --> [].

%%% Verb Phrases 

vp(Form, X^S, GapInfo)  --> tv(Form, X^VP), np(VP^S, GapInfo).
vp(Form, VP, nogap)     --> iv(Form, VP).
vp(Form1, VP2, GapInfo) --> aux(Form1/Form2, VP1^VP2),
                            vp(Form2, VP1, GapInfo).
vp(Form1, VP2, GapInfo) --> rov(Form1/Form2, NP^VP1^VP2),
                            np(NP, GapInfo), vp(Form2, VP1, nogap).
vp(Form2, VP2, GapInfo) --> rov(Form1/Form2, NP^VP1^VP2),
                            np(NP, nogap), vp(Form1, VP1, GapInfo).
vp(finite, X^S, GapInfo) --> [is], np((X^P)^exists(X,S&P), GapInfo).

%%% Relative Clauses

optrel((X^S1)^(X^(S1&S2))) --> relpron, vp(finite, X^S2, nogap).
optrel((X^S1)^(X^(S1&S2))) --> relpron, s(S2, gap(np, X)).
optrel(N^N) --> [].

% Dictionary    

% Verb  entry arguments:
%       1.      nonfinite form of the verb      
%       2.      third person singular present tense form of the verb
%       3.      past tense form of the verb
%       4.      past participle form of the verb
%       5.      pres participle form of the verb
%       6.      logical form of the verb

iv(nonfinite,       LF) --> [IV], {iv(IV, _, _, _, _, LF)}.
iv(finite,          LF) --> [IV], {iv(_, IV, _, _, _, LF)}.     
iv(finite,          LF) --> [IV], {iv(_, _, IV, _, _, LF)}.     
iv(past_participle, LF) --> [IV], {iv(_, _, _, IV, _, LF)}.     
iv(pres_participle, LF) --> [IV], {iv(_, _, _, _, IV, LF)}.
iv(halt, halts, halted, halted, halting,   X^ `halts(X)).
iv(run,  runs,  ran,    run,    running,   X^ `runs(X)).

tv(nonfinite,   LF)         --> [TV],   {tv(TV, _, _, _, _, LF)}.
tv(finite,      LF)         --> [TV],   {tv(_, TV, _, _, _, LF)}.
tv(finite,      LF)         --> [TV],   {tv(_, _, TV, _, _, LF)}.
tv(past_participle,     LF) --> [TV],   {tv(_, _, _, TV, _, LF)}.
tv(pres_participle,     LF) --> [TV],   {tv(_, _, _, _, TV, LF)}.

tv(write,   writes,   wrote,     written,   writing,    X^Y^ `writes(X,Y)).
tv(read,    reads,    read,      read,      reading,    X^Y^ `reads(X,Y)).
tv(speak,   speaks,   spoke,     spoken,    speaking,   X^Y^ `speaks(X,Y)).
tv(meet,    meets,    met,       met,       meeting,    X^Y^ `meets(X,Y)).
tv(concern, concerns, concerned, concerned, concerning, X^Y^ `concerns(X,Y)).
tv(run,     runs,     ran,       run,       running,    X^Y^ `runs(X,Y)).

rov(nonfinite   /Requires,    LF) --> [ROV], {rov(ROV, _, _, _, _, LF, Requires)}.      
rov(finite      /Requires,    LF) --> [ROV], {rov(_, ROV, _, _, _, LF, Requires)}.      
rov(finite      /Requires,    LF) --> [ROV], {rov(_, _, ROV, _, _, LF, Requires)}.      
rov(past_participle/Requires, LF) --> [ROV], {rov(_, _, _, ROV, _, LF, Requires)}.
rov(pres_participle/Requires, LF) --> [ROV], {rov(_, _, _, _, ROV, LF, Requires)}.
rov(want,   wants,    wanted,    wanted,    wanting,
     % semantics is partial execution of 
     % NP ^ VP ^ Y ^ NP( X^want(Y,X,VP(X))
      ((X^ `want(Y, X, Comp))^S) ^ (X^Comp) ^ Y ^ S,
     % form of VP required:     

aux(Form, LF) --> [Aux], {aux(Aux, Form, LF)}.
aux(to,    infinitival/nonfinite,    VP^ VP).
aux(does,  finite/nonfinite,         VP^ VP).
aux(did,   finite/nonfinite,         VP^ VP).
aux(could, finite/nonfinite,         VP^ VP). 
aux(have,  nonfinite/past_participle, VP^ VP). 
aux(has,   finite/past_participle,   VP^ VP). 
aux(been,  past_participle/present_participle, VP^ VP). 
aux(be,    nonfinite/present_participle,       VP^ VP). 

relpron       --> [RP], {relpron(RP)}.  

whpron         --> [WH], {whpron(WH)}.

det(LF)   --> [D], {det(D, LF)}.
det(every,  (X^S1) ^ (X^S2) ^ all(X, S1=>S2)).
det(a,      (X^S1) ^ (X^S2) ^ exists(X, S1&S2)).
det(some,   (X^S1) ^ (X^S2) ^ exists(X, S1&S2)).

n(LF)     --> [N], {n(N, LF)}.
n(author,     X^ `author(X)).
n(book,       X^ `book(X)).
n(professor,  X^ `professor(X)).
n(program,    X^ `program(X)).
n(programmer, X^ `programmer(X)).
n(student,    X^ `student(X)).
n(person,     X^ `person(X)).
n(language,   X^ `language(X)).

pn((E^S)^S) --> [PN], {pn(PN, E)}.
pn(allen,    allen).
pn(bruce,    bruce).
pn(bertrand, bertrand).
pn(terry,    terry).
pn(bill,     bill).
pn(david,    david).
pn(kathy,    kathy).
pn(behshad,  behshad).
pn(shane,    shane).
pn(principia, principia).
pn(shrdlu,   shrdlu).
pn(prolog,   prolog).
pn(english,  english).
pn(chinese,  chinese).
pn(korean,   korean).
pn(swahili,  swahili).

%%%  Clausifier

%%%  clausify(FOL, Clause, FreeVars)
%%%  FOL      ==> FOL expression to be converted to clause form 
%%%  Clause   <== clause form of FOL expression 
%%%  FreeVars <== free variables in clause

% Universals: variable is left implicitly scoped.
clausify(all(X,F0),F,[X|V]) :- clausify(F0,F,V).

% Implications: consequent must be a literal,
%               antecedent is clausified specially.
clausify(A0=>C0,(C:-A),V) :- clausify_literal(C0,C),

% Literals: left unchanged (except literal marker is removed).
clausify(C0,C,[]) :- clausify_literal(C0,C).

% Note that conjunctions and existentials are           
% disallowed, since they can't form Horn clauses.       

%%% clausify_antecedent(FOL, Clause, FreeVars)  
%%%     FOL      ==> FOL expression to be converted to clause form
%%%     Clause   <== clause form of FOL expression      
%%%     FreeVars ==> list of free variables in clause   

% Literals: left  unchanged (except literal marker is removed).
clausify_antecedent(L0,L,[]) :- clausify_literal(L0,L).

% Conjunctions: each conjunct is clausified separately.
clausify_antecedent(E0&F0, (E,F), V) :- 

% Existentials: variable is left implicitly scoped.     
clausify_antecedent(exists(X,F0), F, [X|V]) :- 

%%%  clausify_literal(Literal, Clause)  
%%%      Literal ==> FOL literal to be converted
%%%                  to clause form
%%%      Clause  <== clause form of FOL expression

% Literal is left unchanged (except literal marker is removed). 
clausify_literal(`L, L).

% Auxiliary Predicates

conc([], List, List).
conc([Element|Rest], List, [Element|LongRest]) :- 
                        conc(Rest, List, LongRest).

%%% read_sent(Words)
%%% input ==> series of words terminated by a new line character
%%% Words <== list of the words
read_sent(Words) :- get0(Char), read_sent(Char, Words).

read_sent(C, []) :- newline(C), !.
read_sent(C, Words) :- space(C), !, get0(Char), 
                        read_sent(Char, Words).
read_sent(C, [Word|Words]) :- read_word(C, Chars, Next), 
                        name(Word, Chars),
                        read_sent(Next, Words).

read_word(C, [], C) :- space(C), !.
read_word(C, [], C) :- newline(C), !.
read_word(C, [C|Chars], Last) :- get0(Next),
                        read_word(Next, Chars, Last).


%%% reply(Type, FreeVars, Clause, Reply)
%%%     Type    ==>     the constant "query" or "assertion" 
%%%                            depending on whether clause should 
%%%                            be interpreted as a query or assertion 
%%%     FreeVars        ==>     the free variables (to be 
%%%                            interpreted existentially) in the clause
%%% Clause ==> the clause being replied to
%%% Reply  <== the reply
%%% If the clause is interpreted as an assertion,
%%% the predicate has a side effect of asserting
%%% the clause to the database.

%Replying to a query.
reply(query, FreeVars,
     (answer(Answer):-Condition), Reply) :-
   % find all the answers that satisfy the query,
   % replying with that set if it exists, or "no"
   % or "none" if it doesn't.
     (setof(Answer, FreeVars^Condition, Answers)
         -> Reply = answer(Answers)
         ;  (Answer = yes
               -> Reply = answer([no])
               ;  Reply = answer([none]))), !.

% Replying to an assertion.
% assert the assertion and tell user what we asserted
reply(assertion, _FreeVars, Assertion, asserted(Assertion)) :-
        assert(Assertion), !.

% Replying to some other type of sentence.
reply(_Type, _FreeVars, _Clause, error('unknown type')).

%%% print_reply(Reply)
%%% Reply ==> reply generated by reply predicate
%%%           that is to be printed to the standard output.

print_reply(error(ErrorType)) :-
     write('Error: "'), write(ErrorType), write('."'), nl.

print_reply(asserted(Assertion)) :-
     write('Asserted "'), write(Assertion), write('."'), nl.

print_reply(answer(Answers)) :- print_answers(Answers).

%%%     print_answer(Answers) 
%%%     Answers ==> nonempty list of answers to be printed 
%%%                 to the standard output separated by commas.

print_answers([Answer]) :- !, write(Answer), write('.'), nl.

print_answers([Answer|Rest]) :- write(Answer), write(', '),