Computer Science 105 Assignment 2 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
Due: 5:00pm September 17, 2003

Objectives and Overview: In this lab, you will begin to think about problem solving in an algorithmic way.  The readings and many of the problems for this assignment are in Chapter 2 of your text.  

Part 1 - Accessing Course Software (a brief review)

Recall from Assignment 1 that the following steps will connect you to the CS105 lab materials:

1.  Select the menu item Go -> Connect to Server and type afp://
2.  Enter your personal Bowdoin login (e-mail) Name and Password.
3.  A new icon called Computer Science will appear on the desktop.
4.  Double-click the folder Computer Science -> csci105

Drag a copy of the folder csci105 -> Invitation to your desktop, and then close the folder csci105.

Part 2 - Algorithm Animation

Now open the folder Invitation tha you copied to the desktop.  Double-click on the multi-colored icon Invitation (OSX) that appears inside the folder Invitation.  The following box should appear:

The button Search Animator is used for this assignment.  When you select it, a window will appear that allows you to simulate the step-by-step behavior of the sequential search algorithms in Figure 2.9 (page 46) and Figure 2.10 (page 53) of your text.

In this window, select Algorithm -> Search for Value, and then select the Run button.  Watch each step execute and the Target value change.  You may Reset and Rerun this exercise several times to get a feeling for the relationship between it and the date values.

Now select Algorithm -> Search for Largest, and then select Run again.  Note the behavior of this new algorithm for each of several different sets of data values (using Reset and Run several times).

This search animator will be a useful assistant while you are answering the questions below.

Part 3 - Algorithmic Problem Solving

Complete exercises 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, and 19 on pages 61-62 of your text.  You may do this work either by hand or with a word processor (e.g., MS Word).  Also, you may choose to do this part of the assignment either by yourself or in teams of two.  If you work with someone else, the team may hand in one copy of the completed exercises with both names at the top.

Part 4 - Submitting Your Work

To submit this assignment electronically, you should first rename it so that you are identified as the author (e.g., give it a name like asst2atucker ).  Then drag the file  to the csci105 -> Drop Box folder. 

Once you are finished in the lab, be sure to drag the csci105 icon to the Trash - this step disconnects you from the server and prevents someone else (who may use this iMac later in the day) from accidentally accessing files in your personal folder.

To submit a handwritten assignment, leave it in my mailbox outside Searles 222.

Even though the lab programs for this course can be saved and submitted electronically, you should always keep a backup copy of your own work, so that if a file is lost you won't have to retype it from scratch.