Mark Battle

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Bowdoin College
8800 College Station
Brunswick, ME 04011-8488
Telephone: (207) 725-3410
Fax: (207) 725-3638


Photo by Kathy Thorson

Would you take a physics class from this guy?

My favorite links (at the moment):

I'm quite willing to flaunt photos of my son and daughter.

I also find a very valuable resource.

Here's a very graphic video of CO2 emissions that caught my fancy (you should turn on your audio when viewing):

Note: Although I have linked to this video, I take no position on the activities of the organization that produced it.

Faculty Appointment:

Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bowdoin College 2006 - present
Details: curriculum vitae.


PhD in Physics, University of Rochester, 1994. Major Professor: Edward H. Thordike
Details: curriculum vitae.

Research Interests:

I study atmospheric composition and how it changes. In particular, I work on understanding the carbon cycle in the context of global warming and climate change. I'm an experimentalist, so I do lab and field work. Curious? Learn more.


Most recently:

Recent decreases in fossil-fuel emissions of ethane and methane derived from firn air, M. Aydin; Verhulst, K.R.; Saltzman, E.S.; Battle, M.O.; Montzka, S.A.; Blake, D.R.; Tang, Q.; Prather, M.J.Nature, Vol. 476, 7359, 198-201, DOI 10.1038/nature 10352, 2011

For other publications and presentations (with links), check out my publication list.

Courses Taught and Projects Supervised:

I'm presently teaching Statistical & Thermal Physics (Phys229) and Physics of Climate (Phys357). See my course/advisee list for other courses I have recently taught.

This site was last upJanuary 30, 2013->->->